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Ryan harrell

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  1. Well, how's the bite?? May make the trip next weekend....
  2. Let ne know how you do CMAG....maymake a last minute trip sat Eve, sun morn
  3. Well Saturday Am was slow, but did manage a couple real nice fish. Almost all fish came in 85-90fow, Sea Sick Waddler was claimed the MVS. Saturday Pm was gorgeous, fishing was slow, managed a 15 and a 9, both almost at dark, Sea Sick Waddler and NBK shared the MVS, once again 85-90fow. Sunday Am, picked a couple skippies up, then a nice steelie 35' down over 85fow on a Carmel dolphin, shortly thereafter had a rod start screaming, it was a 22lb King on a 8" double trans crush spindoctor with a pickled sunshine cut-bait rig and an alewife strip, 40' down over 88fow....fishing was slow, but some quality fish made it a little easier to smile!...until next time
  4. ..and I am getting them on my inline planar, Dr Death, 1oz inline weight, 60 back with a cowbell...
  5. Skippies up the yaang right now...cmon big dawgsss
  6. Just boated a 9lb kingie, 90fow, lure was at 87ft on the sonar....mudpuppy
  7. 88fow straight norh of Hopkins creek...it's a desert...I'll keep heading west...what depth you at?
  8. ....this beers pretty good....you get any more??
  9. Son of a b*tch....well, I guess I'll finish this beer and head back out
  10. Out here now, 1 Skippy, 1 King 17lb.....anyone else hhaving any luck?
  11. This reports not gonna make the 5hr drive up there anymore enjoyable, haha
  12. Plan on making the trip up from Ohio myself. First trip is next weekend every year, and we usually hit them perfect!!! *knocks on wood*
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