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Posts posted by Bustersit

  1. Journeyed out in the fog this am for a short trip with my brother his girlfriend and her son. The little guy was super excited to be in the boat and sat next to the downrigger pole most of the trip. With his hands on the pole. We only had a couple hours so I could feel the pressure. I’ve never prayed for a laker, but I was this morning. 
    Sure enough a dipsy finally popped off and the laker battle began. I should mention that the biggest fish this boy has ever caught was a “sunny” so  when he saw the fish 10 feet from the transom he was losing his mind. 
    We landed it, thank god and he was as pumped as a little person could possibly be. It was a nice laker, and the entire experience made me remember the times when my dad brought my brothers and I trolling and what that meant to us. I forgot how satisfying it is to put kids on the boat in Lake Ontario when trolling for these fish.  I know it made his day, but he made my more than he knows. 




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  2. My brother and I headed out to 250ft, 46 degree surface temps. Started Trolling north and eventually turned and trolled back to the Genny. Best water was 150 ft 50–60 down. Best spoon was the DW yellow Leopard D. 
    we lost three. Got 5 or 6 shakers.  And landed three mature kings. The biggest was over 23lbs and took a run on the wire dipsey for the ages. It’s was awesome. Special thanks to Bill for this trip. You’re the man. 



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  3. When I target Lakers I use cowbells, and I go to the bottom, and I slow it down to about 1.5 miles an hour.

    Some of the videos I have seen this winter,  captains talk about running for kings and lakers at the same time. 
    Because I’m running between 2.5 to 3.0 mph for kings typically, is this a speed good for lakers as well? 
    Because I usually pull a lot of my poles before setting up my laker cowbells knowing I’m gonna be going 1.5 or less. It’s kind of a commitment to say, ok let go for lakers now bc things are slow. 
    Just wondering if what I’m doing is right or if I should tweak my approach. 
    I hope the LOU peeps are well, this weather is getting me stir crazy to go fishing!


    As always, thx for any feedback and let’s pray that mahomes loses and cries on national television about a bad call. 


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