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Mike N

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Posts posted by Mike N

  1. Thanks.  I have the transducer on the port side and have checked the frequencies so that part should not be an issue.  My angle of the transducer is just a guess.  I will check the angle closer to see if it meets the 3 degree angle.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I have it in the shop now so I will adjust the angle and see how it works.  Thanks for the suggestion.  Our water can be pretty dirty on the sound so I am sure that is somewhat of a factor, but when I first got it and had it installed on another boat it worked most of the time.

  2. I have mine at 83Khz and still have the problem.  I've had the downrigger in a couple of times and they say it checks OK.  When I first bought the downrigger it mostly worked now it is totally unusable even at depths as low as 50'.  The two depth feature is not working so I am going to take it in again.  If that doesn't fix it I am thinking about replacing the transducer.  If that doesn't work I am out of ideas.  I emailed cannon, but got no response possibly due to the covid19 shutdown.

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