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quality time

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Posts posted by quality time

  1. I remember Rollie had his copper run over last year because the other guy did not have his radio on. He tried to hail him many times. I always try to work with people around me so they understand what I am running. Some of the guys that run old school are thinking you only have riggers out. I got some advice from Sean and will be trying 6 dipsys this year. What is the worst that can happen :lol: I like doing my part to help tackle sales.

  2. Not sure if it is legit or not and I hope he is but if you have questions about your captain ask. We have some great captains on the lake. They spend many thousands of dollars on safety equipment, insurance, training time, cpr, first aid , record keeping safety drills, strict medical evaluation , twic card and the like. The captain is suppose to display his credentials. If the captain can not come up with them avoid him like a deer tick infested patch of woods. Plenty of good captains that can give you a safe trip. Cayuga and Senaca require Coast Guard six pack the smaller lakes can be done with new york guide lic.Both require special training. I'm all for the guy that jumps through all the hoops :clap: Wes

  3. Sounds like the cops got your number Scott :lol: What do you guys think about running a flag if you are pulling a long copper. They do that on some of the great lakes. I understand Joe weekend will not have a clue but the guys on this site will. I try to stay out of traffic when I run copper but it would still help in some cases. Wes

  4. At one time torpedo had 7 strand that was not bad price. I would go with 30lb test. WE don't catch 30 fish in the finger lakes but you stand a better chance if you get into a big pod of weeds. We had weed pods as big as a house last year.

  5. I have used braid and wire with ceramic tips. Most of the great lakes style dipsy rods have guides that are hard enough. The only thing we use the roller rod on is copper. Maybe someone else could chime in but I think super braid might be small enough diameter to get caught in the rollers. I have never tried it. Wes

  6. Braid will work as good as wire untill the fleas come out. The fleas still get on the wire but you grab them pinching down on the wire and slip it down the wire untill it cuts the little pains in the butt in half. I do not mean to scare you with the wire just use caution. Once you get the hang of it it's not that bad. The first time I got tangled wire and rigger line we were running a spinny and it wrapped hundrads of time around the wire. I thought to myself just cut the mono little did I notice that the wire had kinked and broke and the mono was the only thing that was holding it. I watched as my dipsy spinny and fly sank into the depths. At first I thought I cut the wrong line but I did cut the mono.That is what makes these forums so nice. You can learn from others that have already made the mistakes. Wes

  7. No it is 7 strand or 19 strand.Any tackle shops around lake "O" will have it. Basspro has it but it was a little pricey.Mailorder is also an option. A47lc will hold 1000'. You do not need 1000' for finger lakes but if you go to lake "O" that extra line can come in handy. The other nice thing is that with 1000" you can get tangled and you will get tangled andor kinked cut the bad part out put on another swivel and be back fishing in a few minutes. Wire is a tool that you can love and hate at the same time. Nothing is for free so you have to take the good with the bad. You must keep wire tight at all times or it will kink. We had trouble last year with weeds would fould the dipsy and it would not track to the side and get in the other lines. If you get tangled reel both rods in at the same time and you can often get everything back. If you fish the Barny and Bear's derby look me up on final weigh in and I can answer any questions you might have. Wes

  8. I forgot to add stout rod holders and twillie tips. I have a couple rods with ceramic guides and that works but it curls the wire. I trim 10' of wire off a few times a year. I have twillies to put on but never seem to get to it. Changed water pump in the big motor today the kicker last week, replaced surge brake master cylinder on trailer the week before that. Never enough time! Wes

  9. If you have never run wire be careful not to kink it. Get someone to hold the spool. We use a pencil and my wife holds it with a pair of gloves because the spool gets hot when you keep tension on it. Wind it tight and the first time out let the line all the way out and then reel it back in without tripping the dipsy. This does two things the first being it allows the wire to relax and remove any twist the second is that it will be wound nice and tight. Our first time with wire we had a 20lb salmon on and the wire was not wound tight enough. The wire slipped and cut into the wire causing a jam in the reel. We did clear the reel and land the fish but it was a lesson learned! Wes

  10. I'm afraid all we can do is help to stop the spread to other lakes. With 95 acres of hydrilla in the inlet It has been in the lake for some time. When they first found it they should have taken measures within days. Instead it was months. We fished on the weekend after hurricane Irene and we had debris from cayuga inlet as far north as Aurora. We had trees ,hay bales , porches. ect. that I am sure tore that 95 acres up. It's a shame that goverment takes so long to do anything. If they had acted as soon as they found it we would have stood a chance. I have a bunk trailer and will do everything I can but how do you get weeds off an 8'bunk that has a 5000lb boat setting on it. Invasives stink and we are lucky if we can even slow them down. I have ash trees at my deer camp that are more than 3' foot through the base. Just waiting for that ash boring beetle to wipe them out too :@

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