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Just Fishin'

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Posts posted by Just Fishin'

  1. Glad you were able to put some fish in the boat after all the other issues.


    These boats certainly can be trying and it makes the good times even better. I have a 35 year old boat that was left to me by a special Uncle and the gesture and boat mean the world to me. I have had my share of issues but he one thing I can say is that EVERY boat goes through issues, doesnt matter whether new, 5 years old or 30. Trailers can be bad too.  I do know this, I love my boat, the setup I have designed for fishing and I have learned to deal with the curveballs it throws at me. Sounds like you did too and made the best of it and now have more stories to tell.


    I love hearing about people who come and enjoy this great fishery, and what they do in order to enjoy it- so many people right here have no idea what we have in our own backyards.

  2. Started in 100' off of just East of Braddocks Point at 6:45 AM. Center rigger fired before I could get the whole spread set. 60' down with a glow geen and white paddle (don't know name) and a green fly. 23lb king, pressure was off because I had some family and friends in from Boston and needed to get something in the boat after a couple blow off days. Picked away at coho's and a few steelies and a 10' chinook for rest of the morning. 9 total fish and another 5 knockoffs. Rigger bite today for most part. Black/silver seemed to be the color after the sun got up.  Day was interrupted with a run in to port to pick up a late arriving family member but we still had a great day. Worked the top 60 all day with most action in the 135-175 area. Wound up of Russell. In retrospect, probably should have stayed further west.

    Best part of the day was having a full boat of family and friends. Fished a 21 footer for years and now with 31 feet I can get 6 or more on board very comfortably and it just makes for a great time.



  3. Started at 6:30 in 145' off Russell Station and did a 22lb king in the first couple minutes. Dipsey with Nuclear Green spinny and antifreeze fly out 175 on a 2 1/2 setting. Wandered for a while and did a coho and lost a real nice laker (if there is such thing) on the leadcore right at the stern. Slow morning with ice cold water as we moved out past 170'. I am sure the East breeze didnt help. Off the water at 11. Boat ran great, good company and a couple fish= nice morning.

  4. Had a window to get the project done over the weekend. On a newer boat I would definitely follow John's advice on the 2 part approach. On this boat, the bow area had previously been painted with a one step product so I was just adding to that. Unfortunately, West only had quarts of Interlux so I went with the West product, in a gallon can, as a 2nd choice. With constant stirring the product went on great and looks awesome. Time will tell how it holds up but for now it feels and looks like a new boat. Thanks for everyone's advice.

  5. I need to paint over the faded/cracked/chipped topside paint on my gunnels and cockpit floor. Existing paint has non skid characteristics that I certainly will be repeating. Anyone have any paint brand recommendations?

  6. Been several years since I fished in there, but I had early Spring success working southwest from the last buoy towards German Village and then

    down the west shore in front of Newport Yacht Club. Sometimes swing North of the bridge and work the East shoreline back North, but honestly don't remember much success on east side. Usually just looped back up the west side. Had some real good days in there back in late 90's.

  7. Shoebag22 welcome to the area! Rochester has a lot of downfalls (weather, taxes etc...) but you will find the friendliest people in the world on this site and in the general area.

    I grew up fishing Long Island Sound with relatives and never fished LO until 1994. Although there are huge differences in the fisheries they each have their great points. I miss the tides, fish variety and coastline of ocean fishing and those things can't be replaced on a fresh water lake. That said, I also  love LO,  and have passed up trips to salt water to stay here at certain times of the year. I hope you learn to love the area and trolling, too.  Would I love to own my boat on the ocean- sure, but I have learned to really love this fishery. It is relatively non complicated, usually fairly quiet around you and you don't have to wash your boat EVERY time you come in!

    How good is our fishery? I always laugh that when I took a trip to Alaska a few years ago and was in a fishing school most of the instructors/guides had Lake Ontario experience and wanted to talk all the time about Lake Ontario. For a fresh water fishery it is that good.

    I know you asked about trolling and got the "Welcome Wagon" speech, but welcome and jump in.

  8. Within a couple hundred yards of the pier heads.

    One thing I must add, we had a really good group of boats out there this morning. Whenever anyone hooked up the boats around immediately peeled off. Fished several hours in relatively close quarters and never had a moment where it wasnt obvious where everyone was going. Very pleasant group including Dreamcatcher, Hammerhead, Predator and several of us rec. guys. With all the horror stories about combat fishing it was nice to around people that really knew what they were doing.

  9. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name: Apt. Sea II





    Time on Water:6:30-11:30

    Weather/Temp: calm/sunny

    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 4

    Total Boated:3

    Species Breakdown: kings

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:




    Fished in front of the river and did 3 kings. Moonshine lure and Wonderbread j plug on the riggers and orange Rapala stickbait on the surface all took fish. Fished riggers 5' down and 100' off the ball. All fish in the 22-25lb range. Good amount of porpoising fish seen.

    Great day on the water.

    WARNING: didn't affect us today but lots of sailboats in town for regatta this week and may get a little crowded as they head in and out for the next week or so.

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