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Tim Bromund

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Posts posted by Tim Bromund

  1. You can actually tie the overhand knot first,  then just pass the loop through the eye of the swivel and half hitch it around the swivel.  That's even easier to do on the water.  No idea on the bead, they don't come with the twilli tips, probably just a 10mm or 12mm bead like are used to make fly leaders.

  2. Hooked up with my friend Morris, who's an erie walleye guy and fished Olcott out of his boat this morning.  I brought some of my salmon gear since he doesn't really have any.  

    We stopped in 80 fow and found liquid desert, so we blasted offshore.  The day started slow but really picked up as the morning went on.  We found a good mixed bag of kings and steelies in 400-480 fow a little west of port.

    Ended the day 16/18 with kings up to 22 lbs and steelies to 12 lbs.  The riggers at 45 and 55 were the hot set up for us with spoons, both main line and free sliders taking  the bulk of the fish.  Black Green Glow NK28s on the 55 rigger and blue thunder NK28 with glow and laser ladderbacks  on the 45 rigger both took a bunch of shots on both steelies and mid to upper teen kings.  Same spoon on both main line and slider on both riggers.

    Starboard diver, back 150 on a 2 took the big king on a Marv's Big Fatty chip with Big Weenie spook fly. That also took a nice teenage king.

    Port diver with a mag R&R  back 120 on a 2 took a couple steelies.

    200 copper with a dalmation R&R took 2 shots as well.  The only rod that didn't take a hit was the 10 color core.

    Morris doesn't have a probe (this was the 1st time in 3 years his riggers were even on the boat) but the GPS SOG that took the most hits was 2.7-2.9.



    Weather Channel app on my phone didn't not forecast the rain we fished in all day, but the winds were light and it was almost flat out there.

    All in all not a bad day, considering how spotty the fishing has been this year.


  3. I will qualify that by saying that back then we were running the soft yellow Eagle Claw Starfire rods and Penn 209 reels.  Say what you will about the penns and the slow retrieve rate, the drags on those reels are butter smooth and the 2.8 retrieve ratio pretty much make it impossible to horse a fish :)


    Also that was pretty much running all spoons.  I wouldn't try running a flasher fly on 12 lb nor would I do it if I was chartering, but as a rec boat it worked well.  Sadly, the fleas ended that forever.



  4. With all inlines, just keep the rod tip low and away from the direction of pull until the board is close enough to lift the rod up high and keep the board out of the water (probably 10-15 feet out from the rod tip).

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  5. Ray,


    Luhr Jensen Pink Ladies are old school divers that have been around since the late 70's or early 80's.  They are a non directional diver that doesn't have a release clip, they run on a wire arm on the top of the diver so  that when deployed, the attachment clip slides up to the top of the wire arm and makes it dive, but when a fish hits, it slides down to the bottom of the arm causing the diver to plane up instead of dig.




    Larson, what line are you running your divers on?  Mono doesn't work so good unless they are being used near the top of the water column on short leads.  The large diameter and stretch of mono doesn't allow them to get very deep and the stretch of mono makes them a pain to trip from the boat if there's more than 150 or so of line out.  Most of us are running dipsies on braid (power pro) or braided wire line or both.  I have 4 30 lb wire diver rods and 2 50 lb power pro diver rods set up.


    Divers are an incredibly effective presentation that catches a ton of fish, especially later in the morning when the fish aren't as aggressive and the rigger bite starts to die off after the early morning bite.



  6. Last year the weekend before memorial day weekend, just dad and me on the boat. Finished out the close to 30 fish day with back to back triples. The meat rig with an mc rocket down 140 on the rigger that day was the hot rod and it had fired again with a decent king. I got it out of the holder and handedit off to dad.

    While he was fighting it, both the port side diver and port side 3 color core fird at the same time. I grabbed one and left the other pounding in the holder. Netted a nice coho myself and grabbed the other rod and landed that ( another coho) by that time dad's king was ready to be netted. Got that fish in and since that had been the hot rod, I put that rigger down 140 in first.

    It wasn't down 45 seconds and it fired again. The other two rods were still out of the water. It was anothe nice king, so I handed it off to dad again and while he was fighting it, both the 2 color and 5 color cores on the starboard side fired (coho on the 2 and a king on the 5). The scenario repeated itself and somehow we landed all 6 fish. With that king on the meat rig we boxed out and called it a day at 10:30.

    That was one of the craziest days I've seen in a long time.


    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  7. The lower river trip got cancelled this year, with 10 deg and 20+ winds and a river full of ice, it just wasn't possible.

    Hopefully this coming winter will be more hospitable.

    We did have 7 people signed up.

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  8. LOTSA is pleased to announce that we have secured the instructors for our Salmon School on Saturday January 24, 2015. Based upon our experiences from past Salmon Schools, we knew we needed:


     2 to 3 instructors to effectively teach the 6 hour class.


    Expert fishermen who have fished out of many different ports and been successful wherever they fished.


    Guys experienced in catching a lot of fish (running Charters) and with catching large Kings (Tournaments)


    Someone who spends the majority of their season fishing the Western end of Lake Ontario, someone who spends the majority of their year fishing the Eastern end of Lake Ontario and  someone who knows the Lake Michigan fishery very well but also has experience fishing Lake Ontario.


    Guys that would openly share their knowledge with us and were comfortable giving fishing seminars.


     We found these guys in a group headed up by Paul Czarnecki (“Freespirit†out of Oak Orchard) that also includes Greg Gehrig (“Top Gun†out of Oswego) and Mark McClutchey (“Diabolical†out of Lake Michigan). We think that these 3 guys working together will give us another excellent class and are diversified enough to give us some new things to think about over the winter. We are keeping the fee for the class the same as it was last year ($75) and will provide more info on it in September when it opens up registrations. Every School that we’ve offered in the past has sold out and we expect this one to do the same. So mark your calenderer’s and be ready to make a decision in September so that you don’t end up on the “waiting list†to get a seat. 


  9. I start at 8 feet off the ball in the morning and may stretch it back as far as 15 later in the morning if the rigger bite slows down. I can't remember the last time I had to stretch back more than 15 to get bit. Most days it'll stay at 8-10 off the ball all day.

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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