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Posts posted by hermit

  1. Great info thanks!   That's a lot to wade through!


    For Ithaca anglers it looks like they want to keep Fall Creek open year round, with the catch and release period now extending from Jan 1 all the way to March 31, so it won't be closed the last two weeks of March.  This would still be closed for March 2015.

  2. Maybe I'll try it again next year, never had much luck there but I didn't really know what I was doing, despite some good tips from a local.  It's been 10 years since that conversation though and I forgot the details by now.  As stated most guys won't talk about it though.  It's only 15 minutes away but it gets pretty weedy and it's small.  Most people have told me the spring is the way to go.  Best luck I've had was ice fishing where I got bit off three times in a row by something big, never saw it.

  3. The Ithaca Journal has an article about a shipwreck found in the northern end of Cayuga.

    The ship is interesting but I found the pictures to be the best part, they aren't too exciting on their own but it shows the chartreuse/green color of the lake in 70'.  That color is the same color lake trout see the best, also why chartreuse and white work so well down deep.  An alewife is going to look green to the fish down there.  It's pretty cool they found it with a Humminbird and not some super fancy equipment.

  4. A sturgeon fishery would be awesome to have someday!  I'd like to catch one somewhere and if it means heading out west so be it, but of course we'd all like to have the opportunity here in NY.  I too have seen super-sized fish on the graph and wondered if it were a sturgeon.  Just too bad some are selfish and knowingly fish for them anyway.

  5. Hey guff thanks for kind word, that's a beast your buddy got!  Hope you've been getting into them too.  Also great report chuck527, that's some solid fishing right there.  Loving these jigged rainbows!


    irishboy65, a popular setup is either a spinning or casting reel on a medium-heavy or heavy action rod, it's going to depend on the blank with which it's made.  I like a 10-15 lb braid and 8-10 lb leader.  1 oz jigs, drop them straight down.  You can either try to stay vertical with the boat or cast ahead such that you drift over the lure just as it hits bottom as guff said.  Either way give it a few jigs and start reeling in, vary the speed from very slow to fast to see what they want that day.  If you can track your jig on the fishfinder you'll have better success as you can see the lakers react.  That's it in a couple sentences anyway!


    All, a heads up- I'm currently trying to move into a real workspace for the jigs, and am nearly out of jigs.  I have the jigs turned off in the store but will take stock and reopen it soon with what I have left.  Please email/pm with any questions or if you'd like to place an order, I'll do what I can in the meantime.


    The next steps are clearing out the old space, building a fume hood, and getting all my stuff in there. I really don't know when I'll be back up and running (it may be a few months) but when I do I'll be able to do a bunch of stuff I've been wanting to for a while now, so I'm pretty excited!  Hgue thanks for everyone's business this summer, it'd be great to turn this into an actual business someday.  


    Don't mean to threadjack but wanted to get you all the info and forgot to mention it in my report yesterday.  Happy fishing!

  6. Brief trip out this morning looking for lakers with my brother, fished 8-11:30.  Had planned on a bit more fishing this week but had to unexpectedly leave town for a few days.  We still squeezed this trip in on a beautiful day!


    Found fish near Taughannock and Kingtown Beach in 80-110 fow.  A handful of small lakers came to the boat, all about 4 lbs.  Bunch of little fellas today!  Limetreuse tails worked well.  They started off chasing 30-40 feet but only slowly, and were biting the tails a lot without getting the hook in their mouths even after a 40 foot chase.  Good opportunity to double our catch with stingers but we weren't keeping them and kept it simple.  


    Eventually it got a bit lighter and the sun started to shine through a little, but unfortunately it didn't help the fishing much, instead it slowed down.  We were hoping for the opposite of course!  Anyway, there wasn't much bait near Taughannock and some good schools were up by Kingtown.  Wind was anywhere from ESE to SSW around 10 mph.  One guy fishing the wall was hooked up on what looked like a decent laker when we went out at 8.  That's about it.  Great morning!

  7. Justin hey it's too bad you've run into a few problems, unfortunately it's not surprising.  I think many of us who post a lot of details have had a few similar issues.  I don't regret my own posts as I know it's helped a lot of people over the years but after getting burned a couple times I don't post specific locations other than "the power plant" or "Kingstown Beach" e.g., that's what I had to do to feel comfortable sharing all the other details.  


    My first summer jigging lakers I found a few spots and posted report after report about the great fishing in two tiny locations.  I mean I did everything but give GPS coordinates.  Well I'd been fishing during the week and come a derby shazam!  Easily 20 boats in the current spot.  Learned a lesson that day!  But overall I'd rather help out than shut out, so it just made me alter the info in my posts a bit.


    Otisco is tougher as it's just plain smaller and it can be harder to escape the boat traffic so the simple technique of not giving specific spots may not work for you, but I hope you can find a way to keep sharing.


    Guess what I'm getting at is that many of us love your passion for walleye (and it was your great posts last year that got me interested) and I can probably speak for others that we hope you keep posting!  Find what you're comfortable with sharing and please keep it up!  It's been great just reading your reports as the enthusiasm is obvious.  Many of us can't fish as often as we'd like and reading about it is the next best thing.  So a big huge thank you is in order!  THANK YOU!


    Finally that's too bad about the water level, any idea if it'll be back up this week?  I'm okay with slow fishing but if the water's down I may go elsewhere with my brother.  We're looking for relaxing!


    Edit:  I'm thinking if they're doing dam work it'll take longer than a few days... thanks for the tip, we'll figure something out.

  8. If I remember your posts right you've had trouble with this motor since you bought the boat, I'm all for DIY but sometimes you're better off getting rid of troubled items.  I vote replace it with another.  Regardless just getting out in that weather is a win!  

  9.  During that time, Theresa suggested that a lot of people would probably be willing to wait at a "rendezvous" for a load of fresh seafood from the coast, as we were. I think she has a good idea, and the last few nights, we kicked the idea around. 


    There is a fish truck on Fridays in Ithaca that is extremely popular and they sell out in a few hours.  Not sure on the details of the operation but they bring box truck full of great seafood!  It's been coming as long as I remember.  So if your area is lacking in options it sounds like a great idea.  But as you know a business is harder than family with a cooler!

  10. Interesting summary, I'm curious to read some of those other forum discussions if you still have the links and could post or PM them?    


    In my own personal experience (which is tiny compared to all the hours everyone jigs for lakers!)  I have had different results with tied jigs.   Bucktails and feathers haven't really produced for me, though I've heard the opposite before and here yet again.   Maybe it's a "depends on the day" situation, or a confidence one.   For me tied jigs- no fish.  Put on plastic, start catching.  But I also had several of those days and never tried again so it's not like I put 100 hours in with a feather jig.  My own opinion is that most days a jig head and paddletail plastic is the top bait out there.  Anyone here prefer tied jigs?


    I've had great luck with the Gary Yamamoto Saltwater Series swimbaits, but I can't say they prefer the salt over unsalted brands.  The thing with the GY is that the plastic is very soft and you go through them very quickly, and they're one of the pricier brands.  A short striking laker will almost always tear the paddle off.  For me other brands are cheaper, last longer, and catch just as many fish.  Oh also I've had good results with and know others who do like curly tails...  this all reinforces a conversation I had with Copperliner last weekend- all told the presentation is more important than the actual lure!


    p.s.  agreed on things sinking in, I read and research before trying something new, but can't tell you how many times I've then been shown or figured something out on my own only to say "so that's what the article meant!"   Reading gets you started but nothing beats being out there for learning... man sure wish I was fishing this weekend!  What a great morning.

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