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Finders Keepers

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Posts posted by Finders Keepers

  1. Hey Bill,

    No probe on our vessel. :( Yet... :P Yeah, those temps your buddy reported sound right on. I probably passed him once or twice out there when I was working that water before I had to come in. If I could have stayed out there I probably would have worked those deep marks some more or slid back out to that 300-350 area where I marked some decent fish. I think I was over 347 ft when I had 3 fish on the screen 80-90 down. Have you been targeting those super deep kings this year at all?

  2. Finders Keepers : Fishing Report




    Date(s): 7-6-09

    Time on Water: 6:30 AM – 10:00 AM

    Temp/Weather: 60's and partly cloudy

    Wind Speed/Direction: SW at 15 MPH becoming light

    Waves: 1-3 Footers becoming Calm

    Surface Temp: 62°F

    Location: Port Bay east to the Silos




    Total Hits: (1)

    Total Boated: (0)

    Species Breakdown: (Nada)

    Hot Lure: (Green Echip/Green Fly)

    Trolling Speed: (2.7 mph)

    Boat Depth: (400 ft)

    Lure Depth: (100 ft)




    Got a bit of a late start due to the departing T-storms. Set-up over 90 fow in front of Port Bay and pointed the boat northbound. Marked some fish and bait hugging the bottom in 130 fow so I made a few passes through with no takers, so pointed the bow north again. Screen was blank out to 275, then an occational fish or baitpod between 75 and 100 down, out to 375 fow. Also starting at 300 fow began marking a TON of fish 250 to 350 feet down out to 500 fow where I turned and headed back to the 300 fow mark. On the way back I had the 100 ft rigger fire with nobody home. Tried riggers from 60 to 135 ft down, wires out 180 to 380 ft, and spoons/dodger-flies in green, white, pink, chartruese, silver, aqua, orange, purple, ??... The suspended fish just didn't want to bite today. ;( I wish I had some of those heavy duty riggers Billy V has so I could target those super deep kings!! ;) Saw several other boats out today, but didn't see any of them move any rods. Despite the lack of action, a beautiful morning on the Big O! 8)

    I'm hoping to get out again at the end of the week...

  3. It has been getting progressively better. The bait are in 60-130 fow with scattered browns, kings, bows and Atlantics. It hasn't been hot and heavy, but then again I have been out in the afternoons and not for the morning bite, which it typically better. Check the wave forecast, last I saw they're predicting 2-4 ft waves this weekend :( Good luck if you get out and let us know how you do!

  4. Finders Keepers : Fishing Report




    Date(s): (6-29-09)

    Time on Water: (3:00 PM – 6:30 PM)

    Temp/Weather: (75°F and partly cloudy)

    Wind Speed/Direction: (light & variable)

    Waves: (Calm)

    Surface Temp: (68°F)

    Location: (west of Port Bay)




    Total Hits: (4)

    Total Boated: (2)

    Species Breakdown: (2 Skippy Kings)

    Hot Lure: (Wonderbread, Green NBK Mag, Orange Crush, Dirty White Boy)

    Trolling Speed: (2.1 - 2.5 mph)

    Boat Depth: (100 - 135 ft)

    Lure Depth: (60 - 80 ft)




    Went out for an afternoon trip today. Got on the water at 3pm and set-up in 65 fow NW of Port Bay. Marked a TON of bait and fish hugging the bottom, with an occational suspended fish 25 - 65 ft down. Set the first wire on a #2 setting and let it out with a stinger wonderbread spoon 180 ft. Then as I let out the 2nd wire rod the first one starting bouncing and we landed the first skippy king. Reset the wire and started on the rigger rods. After setting the first rigger at 80 ft the 2nd wire got slammed, but after a short fight it spit the hook. It felt like a decent fish, maybe 10-15 lbs. That one was out 240 ft on #2 pulling a green NBK mag and we were over 115 fow. We then worked the 80 to 140 fow range with no hits, so we ventured out deeper to 180 fow and saw nothing on the screen from 140 to 180 fow, so we turned to come back in to the shallower waters holding the bait. As we made the turn, our outside planer line fired and a nice chromer was flipping and dancing across the water. Again, after a short fight and a great 4 ft leap in the air it threw the hook. That one hit an orange crush NK28 with 3 split shots 125 ft behind the board. Once we made it back into the shorter waters I pulled the 72 ft rigger rod to change lures and felt the 2nd skippy king. Who knows how long we were pulling him around! :$ Soon after that a severe T-storm erupted over Sodus and came charging at us with some serious lightning bolts and we called it quits. We ran the riggers from 45 to 110 ft with sliders or stackers without a touch other than the skippy king at 72 ft. Not a bad day, but I wish I could have been out there for the morning bite!

  5. Hey Woody - Glad to hear you got the boat wet! Two fish is better than what we did last Saturday in front of Sodus when we got an O'fer. Saw lots of boats out there and only one hook-up the entire morning (they dropped it behind the boat). It was barren out there for sure! I'm booked the next couple weekends, but will be getting out after that for sure to see if I can get a silver on the Summer LOC boards. Let me know if you want some company heading out!

  6. Got a bit of a late start today and got set-up NE of the Port Bay chute at 7:15am over 150 fow. Trolled all the way out to 280 fow without a mark on the screen or rod moved. It slowly got colder as we headed out and was 45 degrees over 280, so we decided to work back in. On our way back to the shorter water we finally hooked up on the 300' wire set on a #2 pulling a white glow echip/white fly over 170 fow. Landed a nice 14 lb king:


    Still had nothing on the screen but looped back through the waypoint without another taker. Soon thereafter the other wire fired over 150 fow. That one was out 325' on a #2 pulling a white glow echip/UV fly. I let my dad bring that one to the net and we boated a nice 12 lb king:


    We continued to work the 130 to 180 fow range and boated a real nice 6 lb Atlantic on a Majenta Shad free sliding on the 82' rigger over 160 fow, but the NE winds were really beginning to pick up around 11 and we called it a day. Not a bad day, but it sure is tough when you have a blank screen all morning and no probe to work with!

  7. Hey Nick - Not sure if it's the same one or not. I know they mentioned there would be a "Sodus Challenge" this year at the Fair Haven Challenge last year, but I haven't heard any info or dates yet. I believe the Fair Haven Challenge is scheduled for August 22nd this year.

  8. Made a night of it last night as it was BEAUTIFUL out there! I love the warm nights with the peepers chirping to a deafening level! Anyway, I was up the swamp from 8pm until around 3am and managed a slow pick at 'em. Ended up with 16 lbs of bullhead. Not too shabby, but by no means a stellar night. I also hooked into a beaver :o , but luckily for me the hook came free before I got it to the boat! Now it's time to rest up and hope we get a decent rain this week - if we do, it'll be GAME ON!!

  9. Catchin' bully's is pretty easy and a blast when they're running heavy! All you have to do is tie a heavy sinker on the end of the line, then attach two single hooks each about a foot above the other. Bait up some worms, cast it out, tighten your line so that the rod tip just bends, and then wait for a nibble. Best time is at night using a lantern, but if you can get up in the swamps when they're running heavy, you can catch them any time of the day. My best night was several years ago when I boated 200+ of them in a night by myself!! :o There were so many of them the water looked like it was boiling! I only had 3 empty buckets with me that night, and when they got full the rest were flopping around the bottom of the boat! I ended up with like 8 buckets full!!

    There should be a few out tonight with the warm weather and bright sun, but the main show will be later this week after the rain comes in. Get the gear ready because the run is about to happen I think!! I'll be out tonight to see what's brewing in the swamp...

  10. Hey Hank - My dad and I were going to venture out on Friday, but the 1-2' chop had waves breaking all across the lake side of the channel making it look like it was very shallow, so we were weary to take the boat through. We then headed up to the pier to take a look-see and saw at least two spots through the murky waters where we could see rocks on the west side (pier side) that extended a good 6' out from the pier - one near the end and the other at the slight bend. The way the waves were breaking also made it appear as though the whole opening to the lake was very shallow, although the water was too murky to see how deep it was. Has anyone been through there the verify how deep it is and how wide of a channel are we talking? I'm affraid to get out there and have the wind kick up, which would make coming back in very difficult and dangerous if the channel is very narrow!! :( My dad says that someone is contracted by the Port Bay Association to keep the channel open from April 1st until sometime in the fall. Has that changed for some reason this year? I would like to get out and get the deck slimed up with some browns, but I'm not willing to take out a prop to do it! Do you have any thoughts or info on this?

  11. Name: Tim Thomas

    Boat Name: Finders Keepers

    Name origin: What my older brother always wanted to name our boat, he can't fish any more due to a back injury from an accident.

    Boat make: 21' Glastron

    Home port: Port Bay

    Years on L.O.: 27 (ever since I could hold a fishin' rod)

  12. I use the same set-up/gear as Fishman08. Once I went Tourny Tie, I've never gone back!!! Hook-ups went way up and fish lost went to virtually zero once I switched. In the 4 years I have been running them, I have only had one bite-off too. 8)

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