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Posts posted by Diversion

  1. Started out in 20 FOW and headed NW out to 60 FOW with the rest of the fleet. Couldn't get anything to go so picked up and ran out to the 24 line and trolled N / S between the 24 and 27 line. Ended up 6 for 9, with one king and the rest steelies. All fish came on spin docs and flies, except for one steelie on an old Northport Nailer. Kinda rough out there, but ended up nice.


  2. Tim is right on the money, as stern drives / IOs whatever you want to call them, they are for the most part, power assisted steering, so as soon as the engine is turned off, steering the outdrive becomes difficult.

    This is all changed if the steering is hydraulic, then, it would be cake to set up a kicker with an ez steer.

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