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ray koziatek

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Posts posted by ray koziatek

  1. i have a 2004 4 stroke and had water too ,thought i was screwed ,,,after talking to 2 pros they said 4 strokes will condensate a lot ,,,changed oil and been great for the last 1000 miles,,,,,,as fer the other ....check the obvious ,linkage ,fuel,spark plugs (1 foweld)??

  2. On the other side ....back in the days of missing plugs,stuck horns, and pink towels,I have heard some stories of sick observers and the mess they leave behind...he he ..so the guys with nice boats and big money on the line want someone who is reliable and has sea legs....Kinda like to oll" ya get what ya pay for"...but most teams will let observers pre fish if they have tight lips so yer fishing on a boat that might cost ya 600.00 plus for a charter,,, so maybe the observers should pay..........just kidding ....a lot can be learned in a weekend..

  3. my thought would be battery issue on a cable steer without power steering..heck my wheel takes less effort with my troller you would want a 2nd battery as most kickers put out low charge at trolling speed ,now a trolling sock with a tad higher rpm always worked for me running 4 riggers radio and ff on those dead calm days or reduced rpm trolling with the wind..

  4. hmm catch basins,then hauling so called toxic waste.....Ill bet ramp fees will really get cheep...lets see who will this effect??? The little guys trying to have some fun with kids tubing,fishing,or enjoying a day on the water ,or the big shipping Co...................ahh just pass the bill put someone"s face on camera saving the state from all the dumb voters er i mean boaters...Oh that million tons of salt wont hurt a thing,or Cow sludge from the Mega farms around the lake....of wait i sold my boat and am moving from this TAX HOLE..

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