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ray koziatek

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Posts posted by ray koziatek

  1. stix, 125.00 at big jon new moters have slightly shorter shaft but come with skinner bushing need to watch counter clearence if ya get a new one ,i tore apart one of mine ,not too hard if ya clean upthe armature and replace the brushes if the end bushing(bronze bushing )is shot i have one if ya got the 5" reel ya might call big jon there was other concerns when i talked to em but didnt elaborate as i have 6" reels,moter support (alum. upright) an newer units 3/4 " thats why the shorter shaft and skinner spacer, i might take mine apart again redrill shaft 1/8" in out further to center drive pin in drag/drive disc,also new moters have metel plate with O ring seal over gear box no more spongie soft gaskets w 3 holes and because of that they recomend buying new switch /breaker plastic cover thats a little deeper ,to keep breaker ends a little further from metal for safty 15.00 thin pice of gasket material could act as insulator with old cap and 1/16" gasket mat couldbe used to replace foam gasket ,no longer aval. hey look at it this way ........1 cord of wood = a working downrigger

  2. 20% of 0 = 0 imshure there free ,i think what makes this so funny there is a little of us in there somewhere and a lot of someone we have fished ,hunted ,golfed or somthing with ,i took a friend bass fish one night even gave him a rod to keep as he had broke 4 that week ,that afternoon first fish he had on was huge think it was a muskie ya could see it swim away with pink worm in its mouth he throws his arms up drops the rod and sits down in disgusted manner right on rod number 5 for the week snap ,,,i could keep us all in stiches telling ya stories about him and his brother ,how could a 5ft 10 in person go tottaly underwater in 3 ft deep pool with 20" of snow on the banks fishing steelies pretty easy for him oh yea rod # 6 during the seneca derby they drove 20 mi round trip to get 32oz weight for seth green rig saw a accedent as they were rubbernecking the acc. they drove off the other side of the road in the ditch flat tire got back to sampson launched the boat hooked the weight to drop line lowered over the side of the boat without hooking to main line see ya next slow ask me to bring up the brian ,guy,hallgren stories im shure i could bring up 20 more without even thinking too hard (good thing, i cant think hard)

  3. WOW THOSE ARE HUGE , nice fish too (he he),hey i was talking about the big smiles on the bullfrogs ,hadda laugh as to your dress i was all bundled up comming off the lake and when i got to shore everyone was in shorts and T shirts even the girls not that i noticed ,didnt take long to strip down to my speedos (too cold for my thong ) im heading for seneca in couple min. looks like i better keep my hat (and shorts) on today so i dont burn my heads, :$:$

  4. bill dont stop now jump right down to fishing reports and share some of the lures you washed over the years ... ya could of ended AND NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY jolly's were the first releases i used and still do today for the heaver stuff,lead core and copper ...................THANKS Ray K.

  5. SORRY, ya know over the years people have cheated or broke the rules in the adult div. but they didnt quit paying out there i think the kids need a better chance than 1 for some payback ,for us a day on the water goes by faster than we want for some kids it seems like forever,the seneca lake derby has had a youth div. for years my son has placed in the youth div. twice and looks forward every year to this even in the peak of his testoserone years 17,they have youth,teenager,women ,old fart,div .also im shure some of the tackle mfgs, who get a lot of advertisement here and on other boards for free and the best kind word of moulth, would kick in some prize money or prizes for the kids,,,,,also by doing this for the kids its like pen rearing just like my son looks foward to the seneca derby and will after im gone more kids would come back to the waters imprinted in them in the derby on ONTERIO not to mention the real important issue here and that is take a (2 rods) fishing. :D:D I mean kid.... Ray K.

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