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Posts posted by Fishtails

  1. Howz the weather Ray ? What are ya catching? Doin a party or charter boat while your down there? I hear they are pounding the sails right now!

    Where did ya go to feed the tarpon, that seafood market (can't remember the name) ?

    If you fish the bridge again, give some thought about going to the bait shop in Marathon (same side of road as Wendy's ) and grab (2) 10lb boxes of frozen chum and a chum bag.

    Drop it over the edge of the bridge on the incoming tide off the gulf side and you might be able to get some better fish. Trick is getting past all the little ones :x

    Enjoy the rest of your trip Ray!!

  2. RD.....you ever see the cleaning station in Oswego on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon ?????

    With all due respect, 65% fewer fish (as I understand it) will be felt plenty. Less by those of us with the ability to go deep for steel & Coho, or switch over to browns or even...OMG.....LAKERS :shock: :o Many of us will target other fish species more than we have in the past. Those fisheries will certainly feel the effects of the heavier pressure.

    Correct me if I'm wrong ( and I know someone will ;) ), but unless I learned nothing in math class, for every 100 fish stocked last year, there will be 45 (give or take) this year. That's just the way it is. It could have been much worse.

    As to size, When alewife numbers are up, the average size of the salmon goes up, when baitfish numbers are down, the size of the salmon goes down. Other factors play into this also. I guess we'll see in a few years how it all plays out. Maybe the natural reproduction numbers will be way up? That would be a pleasant suprise !!

    C'mon spring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Your a stronger man than I.......I can't take the pain of going to one of those things and not being able to buy one. Just seems like self induced emotional abuse.... :lol::lol:

    The Losta Looks like a 2 day affair if I can make it home Sunday. Since It's far....and early, I am leaving Saturday about 6pm from my sister's B-day party up in Andries. I'm taking the motor home, and I'll stay over at Clark's place. We are all meeting at Clark's @ 6am and taking the RV out. Should be fun, we will play some salmon fishing movies, tell stories (mostly lies of course), compare notes, have a cocktail or two. Too bad I'm the one driving ;(

    I was thinking of inviting you, but with the logistics of leaving from my sisters party the night before, It's a little more complicated. If your interested, pm me and maybe we can figure something out.

  4. Sorry, didn't realize I suggested they should or would, just if they "may" consider it and I'd be all for it if they did. The thought of keeping a few less....what a travesty :shock: . I realize it's unlikely due to the chartering business and the fact that it's a stocked fishery. Just asked, that's all.

  5. So, am If correct that we will feel this decrease in fish the most in 2010 and 2011? What do you think the chances are that the DEC will change the daily limit those years down to 2 fish per day instead of 3 ? If we banded together as a group and practiced better C&R methods during this period, I'd think the impact will be felt far less.

    I personally would like to see the daily limit reduced.

  6. I heard we ended up with something crazy like 3" of rain yesterday in the Q-town area?? I'm not sure but man were things flooded last night. Not one to miss out on an opportunity, I decided to launch the boat and troll in the back yard for a little.

    My first catch I picked up the neighbors cat ( Dalmatian spinny with a hammer fly on the copper), it fought like a little puss though. My ladder by the shed was the next victim ( mag Kevorkian taped with a glow ladderback on the leadcore). I couldn't get it in the boat by myself so I had to cut it loose. My dogs soccer ball fell for Billy V's habanaro. I ended the day with a screamer on the wire dipsey that I fought for over an hour. I'd make ground on it as I came around the corner and headed west, but each time I had to spin the boat and go east it would start another run. We did this about 6 times till I realized I was hooked on the fence.

    I Ended the day 3 for 4, all in all not a bad day. I'm sure I coulda had a few more hook-ups, but I noticed the folks at the School next to my house were watching me pretty closely. Im almost certain they were looking to see if I ran more than two rods, so I figured I better play it safe.

    I have to admit, It was good to get out of the house for awhile. :lol::lol::lol:

  7. I heard we ended up with something crazy like 3" of rain yesterday in the Q-town area?? I'm not sure but man were things flooded last night. Not one to miss an opportunity, I ended up trolling the back yard for a little.

    My first catch I picked up the neighbors cat ( Dalmatian spinny with a hammer fly on the copper), it fought like a little puss though. My ladder by the shed was the next victim ( mag Kevorkian on the copper). I couldn't get it in the boat by myself so I had to cut it loose. My dogs soccer ball fell for Billy V's habanaro. I ended the day with a screamer on the wire dipsey that I fought for over an hour. I'd make ground on it as I came around the corner and headed west, but each time I had to spin the boat and go east it would start another run. We did this about 6 times till I realized I was hooked on the fence.

    I Ended the day 3 for 4, all in all not a bad day. I'm sure I coulda had a few more hook-ups, but I noticed the folks at the School next to my house were watching me pretty closely. Im almost certain they were looking to see if I ran more than two rods, so I figured I better play it safe.

    I have to admit, It was good to get out of the house for awhile :lol::lol::lol:

  8. Fx....If you change the shift cable, talk to Hank first. I think you may need to buy a special tap from Mercruiser to tap the hole on the bellhousing from the outside. I'm no marine mechanic, but I think that's what needs to happen cause they no longer sell the older shift cable that threaded from the inside. The newer cable threads from the outside (bellows side).

  9. I still consider myself somewhat of a beginner (to salmon fishing ....certainly not to fishing in general), but even so I didn't have a skunk in the boat the entire season last year in at least 40 trips. Some days we lit them up, some days we got one or two, but always got fish.

    As long as I have a crew, I always start out with three rods on the riggers, one copper, one dipsey and a thumper. If I have less guys, I pull one rigger rod and I rotate one of the wire rods with a copper till I get rods popping. Then I adjust to what's hot that day. I remember one day in Oswego last season we ran this routine on a bad day after a few days of easterly winds. Nobody caught squat that day, one here, one there. We worked it pretty hard and only caught two kings that morning. Nothing on a rigger, no dipsey hits either. Both fish were on the Thumper rod.

    Not to say the thumper is anything especially great, It's not. It's just a different presentation. My only point is if I don't have a variety of presentations in the water, I feel like I may be missing out on the hot ticket on that given day.

  10. Thanks Guys.....I really wanted this flooring to work, but with all the negative feedback I guess I better keep looking into alternatives. They do make one tile that is anti slip for places like public showers and boats. If I did the entire floor It should be good, but that's a lot of dough to shell out when I'm hearing all negative feedback.

    You guys use vinyl and carpet on fiberglass floors? I would have thought they would stay moist for extended periods (esp. carpet) and maybe that wouldn't be so good in the long term? Am I wrong with that thought??

    I liked the drainage of the grid mats, but I can't have them moving around. That just wouldn't be cool at all.

  11. Billy, been to Stowe a couple times skiing. Isn't it an incredible town?

    Buddy, I'm right with you on the fishing. We are leaving on 2/27 for Key West for two weeks and what keeps running through my head......freaking Salmon fishing on lake O.....what's with that ???

    We do basically the same as you guys, no need for my redundancy. Only thing not mentioned above that we had major success on last year was the thumper rod, and I'm just learning it. This year I am going to tail gun it and run the copper & core off the boards a little more often. Last year, I ran the thumper same as a dipsey. There were days it took the majority of the wire hits and out fished the dipsey, other days not. I don't think I had a day it didn't take at least one rip.

  12. Hey there Tag, Glad to have you aboard. I'm the guy Clark mentioned from Q-town. I keep the boat in Oswego from early June till fall, so we'll have to meet up one weekend that your up there. Btw....you drive by my exit and don't bother stopping in for a cold one and saying hi.....What's with that ???? :lol::o:lol:

  13. Thanks for the heads up Lee. I'll keep that in mind when I install it. It will be locked in from one side to the other, so I don't see how that would be a problem? Sounds as though it was not correctly installed on the boat you mentioned.

    I like the fact that it can be removed if I decide it's not right for me. I'm giving it a try, so I will give an honest report on it this spring.

  14. My biggest problen isn't the fiberglass, but the large teak panel that runs down the center of the floor covering the gas tank. I could't paint that, so grit paints won't really help me. That's why I thought these were pretty cool. I forgot to mention that you can view the various styles, etc. by clicking on the "order now" button.

    I just measured the floor and I will be placing my order in the next day or two.

    Bill, your right about the fish on the floor. It's not a standard practice of ours, but I must admit it happens more than it should. Maybe that will be something to work on this season. We keep the cooler on the swim platform and if there is alot going on at the time, it's not always that easy to get the fish right into the cooler.

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