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Posts posted by steelie1975

  1. Isn't there another avenue you could take instead of your prize and possession. The boat is a steal!! But man, all the work and time one puts into a boat to make it fit YOUR personal needs is countless. I mean small block Chevys are a dime a dozen, why give away your boat for an engine. If I wasn't going into surgery for the second time this year, I'd help you out, we would fix!!! There isn't one square inch of a small block I don't know, if someone told you need 7g to fix your truck your being hosed!!

    Agree with pap 100 percent, you can buy a crate motor for 3200 ish that will bolt right up in there,

  2. I have a Lowrance elite 7 and i have no problem tracking to about 90 ft. I am using  14 pd Torpedo weights made by torpedo. I believe it has more to do with the weight than the unit. The blow back on lighter weights past 50 feet can be a lot. The more you can keep in the transducer cone of vision the better you are. Lets see what other people think


    That is funny right there don't care who you are. I got mine from a mom and pop shop in Pa sitting way in the back of the store collecting dust, Gonna puke when tell ya the price,, Wait for it...................$550 Just wanted it gone. Thats my one deal of the year right there and couldn't be happier about it.lol. Ive seen the 80 lbs go for around 7 to 800 used. I would say a two year old one would be around there IMO. Get cheaper and its even better

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