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Posts posted by B8buket

  1. Man am I embarrassed , I was supposed to remove that post :o

    Thankyou for the kind words though , been a while since I got serious about it,

    (KIDS) :D , just something that used to keep me busy when I wasnt fishing. :)

  2. Yea Bob , thats me :clap: from last year fishin the Kenai River , with my ultalight.

    Happen to be chasing Kings that day :lol: , I think I was a little too early though,

    just a few rockbass , couple smallmouth and a rainbow :happy2::D , oh yea

    and a sunny :)

    A bear just happen to be passing by and I asked him if he would take a picture , nice bear :)

  3. For you Vic I would say leadcore. As for the Big Pond I ran double copper all year and you ask guys who run it and how much it fires and how much fun it is. :yes:

    I hear what your saying Ls ;) and if I was able to run up there , you bet I'd have copper on board :)

  4. I dont have any run time experience with copper, though I have been on boat thats fished it. So, not much value there.

    I do use leadcore on rivers and lakes and just love it. :inlove: Its tracks the boat great, so good control. I can get deeper if I add a snapweight to it, though I loose some speed control. The speed up and down control is very good too. And works great on those little spot on spot type places.

    I run 5 ft peregrines on the inside, and 9.5 gary roach on the outside. My leader on the river is a 4 foot and 8.5 foot smoke fireline 8/2. On lakes I will throw out a 10/20 foot flouro leader.

    My system I run for trout on the lakes around here is, 10lb flouro leader , 100ft. of 20lb. flouro. then the leadcore, it gets it way back behind the boat.

    Maybe I dont need to run so much flouro.? , either way this setup seems to work pretty good (for me anyways) :)

  5. Why does everyone run copper? Is it taking over the wire/dipsey combo?

    I've got (4) rods rigged with wire for dipseys and slide divers , why do I need to run copper?

    Whats the benefit?

    Basically I'm just curious , or maybe I just want to spend more money :D

    Copper is just another method of deployment. Its not replacing wire/dipsey setups but it does replace leadcore in deep water applications. If you run leadcore then you know what the benefit is, if you dont then you should.

    Thanks Rob :) , some were pushing me into copper , I didnt really think I needed too , based on what depths I wanted to achieve.

    Leadcore works fine for me , for now :lol:

  6. Why does everyone run copper? Is it taking over the wire/dipsey combo?

    I've got (4) rods rigged with wire for dipseys and slide divers , why do I need to run copper?

    Whats the benefit?

    Basically I'm just curious , or maybe I just want to spend more money :D

  7. Vic, I use leadcore to get down to 30-35 feet . After that I go w/ copper b/c it's just so much more effective. If you wish to present baits relatively shallow the core is what you want b/c you will have more line out and thus you get a "stealthier" presentation. For relatively shallow presentations this is a good thing but this turns into a giant hassle when you need 20 colors to get down to 100' (if the core will really even get that far down).

    I'm sure you use snap weights too, for the benefit of others I thought I'd mention that these little guys can multiply the depth of short cores and flat lines w/ out having so many different combos on the boat.


    Our thoughts about leadcore are the same , I'm not looking to go deep with it ;) , I send down the wire for that.

    As of yet I havent tried the snap weights but they're on my "to buy" list ;) , which seems to get longer everyday :lol:



  8. If your looking only to achieve depths between 15-25' than i would stick to leadcore. The longer lenght of leadcore needed to achieve that depth will allow it to get away from the boat alittle more.

    Due to the faster sink rate of copper, it is affected by turns and speed changes more quickly than lead.

    Thats what I wanted to know concerning affects on lure speed. There have been times in rougher water that

    the leadcore has shined , seems like the lure action stays consistent , vs. getting yanked forward and pausing.

    Thanks :)


  9. Other than copper be heavier , which I guess makes it easier to achieve deeper depths quicker , which is also probably the reason why more people run it up on the BIG lake..........is there any other characteristics to it , that makes it superior

    to leadcore?.

    I spend 99 percent of my time on the Fingers Lakes , I'm only looking to achieve max depths of between 15 to 25' deep,

    thats why I run leadcore. Would I benefit at all by running copper under these conditions? Does copper affect the lure action any differently than leadcore?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  10. WG , dont take it too serious ;) , nice job and pics :yes:

    My dad taught me how to drift with a fly rod , loaded with mono , still do it today and

    he did it before I was around.

    Some people just assume things , probably cuz the dont know any better :lol:

    More fish for us :D

  11. Stan , the braid is supposed to eliminate downrigger cable (hum) , and decrease blowback.

    I've been thinking about using it ;). I dont run riggers during the Winter months much.

    I wonder how the fleas affect it though.

    I'm pretty sure there's some guys on this site that use it , maybe they would chime in :)

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