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Posts posted by FX

  1. Matt,

    Truth is you just need to get back in the woods and chaulk it up as another hunting lesson learned.

    Well said :yes:

    Sorry to hear your story! The more you think about it the longer it stings and it sounds like you gave it your all to try and recover the buck, so getting back in the woods should be good therapy. Good luck the rest of the season :yes:


  2. Nice buck!

    X2 on Deer Search. Before you call them though, make sure you check with neighboring landowners and explain to them what you'll be doing. It sucks when they track your deer to posted property that you don't have permission to be on and waiting for you to get permission is inconvenient for these guys and trespassing?........well, there's a lot wrong with that :no: We have agreements/procedures with 3 of our neighbors that were established before the season, but not with 2 - which we should have.


  3. A lot of activity in 9N. Rubs, scrapes, and bucks chasing. 4 different non resident bucks cruisin by trail cams this past week. Good deer movement last night, but not much this morning and a little at mid day. Hopefully a shooter walks into a shooting lane tonight.


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