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Posts posted by FX

  1. Not a lot of action for us either day. Managed a few small kings, all under 10lbs, all in the top 50fow. SOG was 2.5 - 3.2. All fish came on spoons with Mulatto and NBK's working best. Had Had flasher fly combo"s out on wire rods anywhere from 80 - 350' with no luck. Had riggers anywhere from 15 - 120'. Worked West of port friday East to the flats and went 3 for 5 and started East today, trolled east and back and went 2 for 4. Worked depths from 80 to 190' both days.


  2. 12lber's here with noticably less blowback than the 10's I used to use (same style cannon type). Many are using 15lb weights with even less blowback. Keep in mind other factors like style of weight, ie: ball vs torpedo with the ball having more resistance and thus more blowback. Another factor is current. Change direction 180 degrees and if the blowback angle of cable changes with the same speed and depth, there is most likely a current down there. Without a downspeed and temp unit, angle of rigger cable is important and less angle helps to be more consistent.


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