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Posts posted by mdryer

  1. Hi GUys

    I am trying to hook up my 24 volt trolling motor. I tried PP then NN and reverse to hook the batteries in series. When I go to hook up the final connect i get some mean sparks. What could I be doing wrong?? I did this last year without an issue. Thanks for the help

  2. Hi guys

    Wondering if it was possible to fish the Salmon out in the lake if you get tired of Browns at the end of March and April? If so what is a good depth to start looking that time of year? This time of year are SD & Fly's still good choices with spoons mixed in? Thanks for your help

  3. Hello

    I feel real dumb asking this question, but I was given an expensive Shimano reel. There is no guide to feed the line back and forth when you reel it in, it is open. How do you keep the line from bulking up in one part of the spool when you crank the line back in? I want to run lead core off this reel. Thanks in advance.

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