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Posts posted by Broadhorizons

  1. Just a reminder to keep a look out for them. I went for a 20 minute walk in a small woods in Liverpool yesterday and woke up today with one stuck to my chest.

    Growing up around Vernon and Canastota, I had never encountered them even thru last season. Yet 30 miles west, Syracuse area seems to be a hotspot for several years.

  2. They aren't the dark woods animals anymore, there's no food there so they had to leave...

    They are booming in farm country! Plenty of edges that hold game, beaver ponds, and everything else.

    Eye Tracker, the last thing I would do is turn a beagle out on one...you don't want her trashin' off when you hunt and at night the fisher will likely turn on her.

  3. John, does the boat still have:

    Blue Sea System fuse panel in the cabin under the helm for electronics

    Fuse panel in transom for riggers

    Johnson Aquajet 70psi washdown pump wired on a relay

    dual batteries on a switch

    Aluminum bar and track across windsheild for over-head electronics mounting

    Track on helm for electronics mounting- slide everything out and lock up for security while away...

    Spare prop

    Airmar B60 thruhull transducer will adapt to many brands of fishfinders with the appropriate cord.

    This boat rides great in some rougher water and was very reliable for the 3 years I owned it.

  4. I'm sure you can find them up there too..."Old Forge Hardware", Ace(?) Hardware across from Old Forge Hardware, corner store in Long Lake across from Stewarts.

    Snelled hook and crawler always worked for me, also a leader and wooley bugger. Watch for the right bounce in the rod.

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