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Posts posted by lennybones

  1. nothin to write home about, conditions were tough but this is all i have to show for a serene weekend on the salmon. thanks to my bud ofmanyone for carting around my crippled butt and givin me the oppurtunity!!! we'll get em next time!!


  2. all for it but conditionally. i think boats that contain 2 people or less should be allowed. when bank fishing or fishing from a boat with more than two passengers it should remain 2 rods. i realize this would be difficult maybe if they resricted boats over a certain size from running three a person. in my opinion all this would do is level the playing field a little for the recreational sector

  3. all the info on this site is great i wish i could get up there to fish the lake more often but i live about 4hrs away. that being said i like to make the most of my time when i am there, i was wondering if anyone can recommend a good book about trolling the big lake for salmon and steelies. I am not a beginner but not a veteran either so i was looking for something semi advanced, (not something that tells me how a downrigger works you know what i mean). also I have an airbrush gun and was wondering were i could purchase the paint used to paint spoons, or the brand as well as the decals or ladders and stuff for the spoons. any help would really be appreciated.

  4. I have spent the past two weeks fishin two slide divers on #30 ande green in addition to my riggers, with nothin on the divers. Threw out a regular luhr jensen dipsey, seemed to get a little more depth, and hooked up but had to work for it all the same. Anyone got a couple cents worth out there?

    Capt. Jeff

    Caliento Carlito

  5. By far my most productive spoon on an ultra-clear water lake while im trolling my secret spot here in north jersey. Lakers only though, up to 15lb. Well... dont discount MJ. Hes dead, but his namesake isnt!

    Capt. Jeff

    Caliento Carlito

  6. Has anyone tried the power pro spectra lines designed to replace stainless cable on they're riggers? Its supposed to eliminate the hum as well as eliminate the voltage issues that we occasionally encounter(black box guys excluded). The stuff is ridiculously difficult to find, especially since shimano started takin over everything unique(innovative textiles). Seems worth the trouble to me unless it gathers fleas, its 60lb dia. or greater, though. Any thought, comments, concerns, out there?

    Thx fellas,

    Capt. Jeff Young

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