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Posts posted by tcon

  1. Skipper,

    The first picture was taken right from the post viewtopic.php?f=2&t=19584 and was said to be a juvenile snakehead that was caught in Maryland...i've caught bowfin at port bay and they do look similar but don't share the tiger/snake body markings...my buddy had a fisheries guy look at it from the DEC and he was going to get back to him, he said it also my be some type of "Darter." I'll update the post if I hear anything.


  2. The first picture was from the earlier post "Snake head in Wellington?" the second picture was taken from a friends cell phone this past weekend in Ossian creek in Dansville...what does everybody think.


    ^^^this one is the juvenile Snake Head^^^


    ^^^this one is the unknown^^^

  3. Talked to the guy in fisheries at the DEC he told me you could use sunfish for bait but they count toward your total creel, and they may not be transported over land from one body of water to the next....and I said so I cant catch them in a pond and take them to the River to fish just so we are clear, and he said you are correct you may not. I guess so much for that Idea might have to cut up a sheep head or something...


  4. Does anybody know if it is legal to transport dead bait..like dead sunfish to cut and use for catfish bait..and has there been any documented success...or are they having any luck with the re-population of the lake sturgeon in lake ontario?

  5. Chad,

    I've gone to both there spring and summer sale for the last 2 years, well worth the trip and I live in Conesus. They have a little bit of everything and for the most part the will add tape to different colors for your liking. They say the spoons they sell at the sale are slightly blemished but I find nothing wrong with them and for $2.00 a spoon thats a huge savings.


  6. Had an awesome week spent in Vermont From the 31st to the 7th Promised Ray K some pictures...so here they are...big Catfish, big Bluegills, big Frogs and a great vaction...








    Don't mind the date on the pictures I lost the date when I changed the batteries in the camera..My son Dustn said watch my fishing pole I have to go to the mens room...when he left the line took off and I set the hook and handed the pole to his cousin Billy who reeled in the 8.5 lb catfish :yes: Great vacation!! Only too short!


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