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Posts posted by tcon

  1. Try the "Bait Barn" just south of the west river launch on rt. 245 south of the hamlet of Middlesex. 585-374-9765 your at the lauch with flxtroutman if I remember right? come back towards naples from the marina and take a left on parish road...when you come to 245 take a left and its down just a little ways on the right look for the sign out by the road the had sawbellies last time I was there.

  2. sounds like fun you got me thinking about it after you posted that post I cant really say we've slept over night but we've fished from 6pm to 6am before...lol we've caught monster catfish quite a few eyes most of the eyes are just keeper size we haven't landed any big ones but I know there in there...the catfish usually average about 6 to 7 pounds we've caught them as big as 12lbs , love fishing the river...even if you dont catch anything you usually see lots of wild life...well make sure you post if you make it on your adventure..take care,


  3. Phil,

    Glad to hear your having some luck. I take it you bagged the overnight idea? As for so many no hookups could be anything might just be a murphys law thing...have you tried using a treble trailer? Well I hope you hook the monster your looking for. If we dont talk before you leave on the 31st take care have a safe trip home and keep in touch on the board.


  4. There's a thermocline in Conesus the deepest spot is 70 fow. down toward the conesus Inn i've seen walleye snorkeling out there when I was a kid...right around the drop off 13 14 feet or so where the weeds end and it starts to drop off.

    Good Luck,


  5. Thanks Joe I have been utilizing all that stuff , it's great! I was just curious with the lake being as rough as it was today what it would do to temps and stuff or with most of the lake being the same temp. if it would even affect it that much?

  6. Phil,

    There is a nice car top boat launch in Avon on 5 & 20 on the south side of the road just east of the river...the only thing i'm thinking is the way the river winds launching that far south might add quite a bit of time to your trip. I'm not really sure about the legality of camping along the river...there is a huge farm just north of the launch in Avon that owns a ton of land along the river and I know they can be a bit funny about people on there land. so if your going to camp probably the closer you get to Scottsville the better, I'm pretty sure that farm owns all the way into Rush. My buddy and I have been from the Black Creek launch all the way to the Oatka and there is plenty of water as far as from Avon North I don't think there are any rapids that would get you in trouble usually with the river as long as the water level is up wich it seems to be right now you shouldn't run into to many rapids if any. I gave my cousin a quick call he works for the DEC to find out about the camping thing...as soon as he calls me back I'll let you know what he says. Yes it sounds like a great trip!! My friend and I were fishing one night on the river parked underneath the bridge where the thruway crosses the river in Scottsville because it was raining cats and dogs and we picked a spot on the bridge cement and watched the water come up a foot in about 2 hours. We stayed dry and had catfish and walleye on the grill and fished all night till the next morning..that river is a blast.

    Hope this helps.

    Take Care,


  7. my friend has 2 daiwa 27lc's he wants to respool them with wire...he plans on purchasing the wire from Atomic the 30lb camo 2 1000' ft reels does anyone know if this is going to be enough to fill each reel or is he going to need backing? Thanks a bunch.


  8. Mike,

    Thanks again for taking us out good company and the weather man being wrong made for an enjoyable day fish or no fish. We hit the local hot spots after we left, Luigis and then on to Huntones for an icecream :clap: hope to make it out again soon,

    Take Care,

    Tom and Dustin

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