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Posts posted by kliph

  1. The worse time for ice in the lower river is when it is

    very cold.

    (except, of course when the ice bridge below

    the falls brakes up or when the ice boom is taken out.

    Both will happen in the spring)

    Something like 15 deg and lower for 2- 3 days and the river

    starts to "make" ice.

    Add to that a west wind and it will push all

    the ice to the American side of the river.

    That's why it's always best to have a Canadian license.

    In the winter the main target is steelhead but you can also get

    brown trout and lakers and sometimes walleye.

    Sometimes all the same day.

    Of course, sometimes zip. :beer:

  2. With the on going problems in NY state.

    With Pete Grannis, the DEC commissioner being fired.(for good or bad)

    And the possibility of layoffs of more than 200 agency employees.

    And the possibility fish hatcheries closing.

    And the on going issue of the wind turbines in lake Ontario.

    And license increases. And more.


    I thought now would be the right time to run a poll

    on who would be best for governor.

    EDIT: - mb

  3. Three rods per person?

    That means if I have three people on my 18 ft boat

    I can run 9 rods.

    That means I have to buy more rods/reels/line and lures.

    And, No, my friends don't have any trolling equipment.

    I think I'll stay with two rods per person.

    Now I can picture a 30ft charter boat with six people and 18 rods in the water. :beer:

    No thanks, not for me.

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