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Posts posted by hookedupf7

  1. 2 hours ago, spoonfed-1 said:

    You talking for salmon or trout and what brand of rod are you talking about? Also are you talking roller guides or regular guides with a twili tip? These variables make a big difference.

    I am talking salmon. Like I said the medium lights have a good report on the rods but when it was game time they seemed way to light. I have diawa Greg lakes med heavy now . 

  2. You guys are running med heavy for wire divers rite? I know it’s a stupid question but I started running 9 ft med heavy last year. I was running 10 ft medium lights that I bought off someone. Great bend on the rod when trolling but when I would hookup it was almost unmanageable. But I could see more of what was going on in the rod tip when trolling.

  3.  Am currently running them bolted on but trying to make it so I can remove them and the dual rod holders all in one shot. I plan on leaving the boat dry docked this summer. And want to be able to put the cover on the boat. Now I have to remove the dual holders with 4 screws. Figure with the track I can remove the whole assembly as one . I have it plated now and should definitely plate the tracks and thru bolt them . Thanks for the input. Gotta see what I can fit up under there I know it was a sob getting plates up there

  4. First things first going to be very limited on your days. We run a 19 fter and are very limited…

    next spring browns. During the month of April 10 ft to 20 ft of water usually. Beast time for you to shine. 1.9 to 2.5 mph riggers 5 to 15 ft down 50 ft behind the ball sticks and spoons. Run a few planer rods . Either inlines or big boards. You will do well. 

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