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Posts posted by flybuster

  1. i have a couple of them and i use them all the time,the best part is when your calling, sitting against a tree the but stock will rest against you shoulder leaving your hands free and you gun still pointing in the rite direction, the only bad thing is they seem to weigh 11 lbs more at 4 am on those moonlit nights.

    If your not the one calling but need some stability i just bought a adjustable monopod for my son it was like 39 bucks , it adjusts anywhere from 24 - 65" i think, but you have to keep hands on the gun or it toppels over .

  2. leasing is great, when a farmer says no hunting period and you throw a grand in his face then he tells ya there is a good one down by the pond! not to mention it keeps us guys off the property that EVERYONE can get permission for so you see more deer ,I dont see the down side for either party......

    man to bad that beam broke :(

  3. i definatly was not kidding, i wish i could get some rebates or coupons tho. have you read how the load works yet?

    Patented Xeleratorâ„¢ Wad

    2 Stage System

    New HOTTER primer ignites small powder charge in chamber, moving entire payload forward slightly to control pressure.

    sounds weird to me but it works, I think of a muzzleloader where a standard win, cci primer moves the load slightly before ignitoin can devistate accuracy

    glad to hear you guys are doing good with them

  4. Let me start this by saying before yesterday, I would never put a rem. steel in my gun I typically shoot kents good load great price by the flat but i ran out so I run to the store and buy the cheapest thing they have, remington sportsman steel, let me tell ya this stuff is junk, if the birds is more than 20 yards forget about it :no: no energy what so ever i could see it hit the bird turn it slightly and watch it fly away. Now im no tom napp but i can put the smack down. Convinced it's the ammo i throw two boxes right in the trash and back to the store i go looking for 3" #4 they have nothing except remington HYPERSONIC steel. so i buy one box to get me thru today This stuff is AMAZING, I have never seen so much blood duck hunting. It absolutly destroys birds 6 yesterday 6 today looked like a pillow fight almost every time i pulled the trigger :beer: i shot a little behind a merganser this mourning 1 pellet hit, broke its wing in half and still went thru its skin all the way to its breast bone. at 40yds If you dont mind spending 20 bucks a box i would recomend this load over blackcloud, Snowgoose or any other high price shell. I'm not kidding this stuff hits like lead :yes::yes:

  5. ray i see the same ones , someday they will let us bait and shoot them, you no, for safety reasons. wink wink..

    i,m waiting for at least the antler restrictions, i always thougt if the dec could manage a 8 pt or better policy we would all benefit the only thing i would do different is leave it open for young hunters under 21 maybe to take whatever they want keeping them intrested and not discouraged is important to the hunting community.

    The only way to kill big bucks is to let them walk , me and my friends have been "trophy' hunting for about ten years now. and as a group we have put down some real nice bucks,

  6. [imgwjh5r.jpg

    we are not doing that bad in wny, the buck in the truck was shot by a guy i hunt with every day it gross 189 on the dot net 170 5/8 full article in this sunday buffalo news ...................... the one below has not been offically measured to my knowlege but its a monster.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jersy guys can have those 50's lol


  7. If you are willing to post honest feedback i am willing to give a limited number of free sample hand tied jigs and custom painted beads... Beads will be 6 and 8 mm jigs are between 1/64- 1/8 PM me your adress and a color you would want to try. Since there FREE i will substitute with the closest colors i have.

    I want to sell top quality custom tackle to local anglers and this is my way to spread the word, Hopefully you will be satisfied and put in your own custom order!

  8. I was at mayville with the kids saturday as said before small fish mass crowds dec sheriffs and a couple hundred snowmobiles :no: Hit pendergast 2am sunday looking for more eyes and calicos couldent find them but to my suprise as soon a daylight broke i found myself in the middle of my best perch bite all season took 50 with a 9.5-10 average. I was in 6 FOW on a big green weed bed. I could sight fish through the hole "THAT WAS COOL" off the launch turn right head towards the creek. 200 yards. If i can find the cord for my camera i will post some pics"from the last trip also"

  9. dynamic , mayville has more perch than you imagine, alot of small ones but some decent.fairly close to shore 8-10 FOW.if you go you will cath some,and some nice gills.

    Most of the big perch i get are on the tipups i dont have or own "downs" .For the eyes I use a single hook and a splitshot about a foot up on a 2 foot 8 lb leader. With a big fat emerald shiner 3.5/ 4 inches. This is my "eye" rig but the big perch eat them up.

    I didnt make it this morning but when i left yesterday there was a good ten inches of snow, im sure they got a couple more. i may take my kids on friday also, PM me if your going. If the wind is decent we will be going to pendergast early for the eyes. if the perch are slow i will take them to mayville for a couple hours after that

  10. fished 6 am till 2pm 1 eye 21" lost 1 at the hole had one "big fish" on a tip up never seen it. saw a muskey on the cam ended up with a dozen 10-12 " perch threw a whole bunch of dinks back, will post some pics when i download them.......going back in the AM

  11. thanks guys. the shanty guys treat that lake like a small trib sometimes. i am going to try pendergast wed morning, get there about four try to get some cruzing eyes or crappie then go deep for the day. i will post when i get back

  12. have any of you guys made the run? if so how did you do where did you go? I have been down 4 times out of mayville handfull of crappie some decent mostley smallish 8 or so. looking for some eyes any help would be great... thanx and good luck in advance

  13. As many others i own all three plus a bunch more. now your ballistics at 200 are not that different, " pulling numbers off the top of my head" If you dead zero at 100 the 243 will shoot-2.25 ....270 is -3and the 308 would be -3.5. Now site in one inch high and you can hold rite on anything you want to shoot. Now that thats out of the way your choice should be based on two things. Recoil and devastation? A 243 will rock a coyote sure , and it will kill deer but do you feel good about takeing a shot on the move or quartering to you "and yes i am well aware a 243 generates enough kinetic energy to break bone out to 400" 270 -308 now thats a deer gun they will destroy bone on the way in and out. less perfect shots with that kind of energy will damage more organs and bones. so recoil, If you can confidently squeeze a 308 with no jerk i would go that route... bigger is better .... if recoil may be a issue try a lighter loaded 270 to give you the best of both worlds.

    Personally i love my 308, I have it in a bolt and a AR. Nothing beats a 308 tracer sailing across a feild at 3 AM on a moonlite night.

  14. my husband uses this site so please dont pm. He asked me for a new sonar gps combo and i am clueless. i have looked all over but they are all the same to me . I have about 700 dollars for it.......for x-mass. I dont no if this will help but he trolls for walleye and likes to fish panfish with the kids. thank you all so much for any help

  15. i agree , I think it comes down to lazyness tho. my neighboor came to me two days before halloween and told me he hit a great buck. i was bizzy w my kids so i could not help him find it, the next day i asked to see the deer he told me he couldent find it,looked all night. Halloween night he comes to my house and tells the same story of another deer. i was pissed. this is the guy that ripps slugs at every deer he sees, hits legs , guts anything and almost never recovers the deer.

    anyway i asked him where they both were when he shot them and what direction they headed and set out on my own he shot them both on my property??????? the first deer ran into my swamp, where he stopped tracking it blood was dried up of course but still visible, went into water up to my hips and drug out 9 pt that scored 133 im livid now but headed to the second location and long story short i found his gut shot 8 scoring 129 within a hour.

    both deer were the biggest he ever shot, to lazy to get wet to lazy to look a little harder or the next day to lazy to call deer search the most under utilized asset to the hunter. i have a couple nice racks and coyote bait. and now he has a tresspassing ticket. enough was enough ten years of bambi blasting and he thought i was kidding when i told him to keep off my property

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