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Posts posted by indian

  1. Not really worth it but....In the last three years we've caught less than 5 LL. We troll the lake almost every weekend. Yes they get stocked, but anyone on the lake will tell you that they are more or less, feeding the over populated and stunted lake trout population.

    But hey they wouldn't have a limit if they didn't want them kept....my two cents worth.


    I fished Cold brook this spring...... I landed not one single rainbow, only had two on. Last fall I saw nothing in the stream, the entire fall...NOTHING, NADA.

    Keuka is awesome for numbers of lakers. Anything else is a crap shoot. Anyone who trolls it regularly will tell you the same. Hopefully with new regs being pushed, the DEC will get the lake back under control in a few years.

  2. Kueka had historically and arguably I guess, Land Locks. There are after all, many ,many accounts of catching both trout AND salmon in the lake during the 1700 and 1800's. I'm pretty sure they knew the difference then, the same way we do today. As far as Cananduagua is concerned, The five or six times we trolled that lake last summer we absolutely HAMMERED the rainbows, 10 or 15 per visit. There is far from a problem in that lake as far as the rainbow population is concerned.

    The next thing is the amount of anglers these days, same as hunting is on the decline, fishing is as well. In the late 80's early 90's opening day of trout season would find cars parked bumper to bumper on most roads bordering inlet streams. Last year I fished a stream I always fish out of Owasco lake, I was the only person there, I caught probably 20 fish before noon, far from bad. We fished for browns out of Salmon creek in Lansing last fall and were all alone the entire time, ten years ago and there would have been numerous other people fishing with us. We caught our limit of browns AND lakers in a few hours. I hear the same things year after year, there are no fish...or there are no deer, same same. The REAL truth is, there are plenty of both, the pressure isn't there anymore, less people going after the object equals less objects being taken. I hope the DEC realizes that once again the vocal MINORITY is trying to dictate the rules for the majority again.

    And in closing, all I've read on here is how awesome the fishing out of Watkins has been this late winter/spring. I read about 50+ fish caught in a few hours time........Uh, whats up with that? They ether aren't there or they are, whats the real truth?

    And as far as boring fishery or not, when you have to many species competing for finite resources, something is gonna suffer, doesn't take a genius to figure this stuff out TBH.

    This is just my opinion.

  3. I always hear about the "good old days". Sorry but they never happened, I've fished Cathrine and Cold brook, as well as a lot of others, sense the mid 70's. Rainbows have gone in cycles the entire time, some years are good, some are awful. I remember when you couldn't find a native trout in any stream because of the acid rain. Things are much better these days than they were in the late 70's and early 80's by far. All of this one fish creel limit garbage is just more C&R Nazi junk being forced down my throat as far as I'm concerned. If the DEC wants to fix the problem they can start by cutting down the over populated numbers of stunted lakers eating any and every thing in the lake. Same problem as Kueka has, only Kueka is in worse shape.

    the rainbows are non-natives and should be treated as such, return the lake to the species that belong there, the native ones.

  4. over fished with local scumbag rednecks who wish to kill the fish

    Gotta love posts like this. With that attitude you can stay right where your at. Us "local redneck scumbags" can do without you'ins edu-micated city geinusiuses com'ins arounds here an sav'in our fesh....we loves kill'inz em!


    Just a side note, A good friend who lives on the lake feels the same about outsiders coming in and over fishing and killing the population.....it goes both ways. ;)

  5. Add all ingredients in one large bowl

    1 qt jar of canned salmon (we use our own canned)

    1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs

    1/2 cup Uncle Buck's light and crispy fish batter mix

    1 large egg

    1 tble spoon of lemon pepper salt

    juice one fresh lemon

    hand mix together well

    form into hamburger sized patty's

    smoke with apple chips for approx 4 hrs @ 100 F

    Pan fry in vegetable oil until light brown

    Enjoy.....some of the best patty's I've ever had. :yes:

  6. I'll second that, Got checked during deer season and the CO was really good. Shot the poop with us for a good 30 min, Really nice guy. Got checked Wednesday, different CO, and again, what a nice guy. He was actually almost apologetic when he asked me for my stamp and WIP number......Just real class acts. :yes:

  7. LOL, thats only a 6 or at most 7 party daily take. They aren't ALL redheads, I see mallards and at least one other species in there.

    We hunt early season with 10 or more sometimes, I'd hate to see the comment on that days take.

    Anyways....Awesome pics, I'm so jealous! I have no access to the lakes at this time of year, leaves us on the river chas'in high speed fly byes! :yes:

  8. Can you guys recommend a good 2 3/4 load? I know, I know....Its for my wife using my 1100, and unfortunately they only accept 2 3/4. I'm using the 870 3 1/2 super mag as clean up though, so anything she hits and doesn't go down will "eat it" before its gone.

  9. Update on my way ward doe. Morons actually took it with tag still in place, to a local cutter. Needless to say, I know about everyone or they know me, The cutter knew it wasn't me that dropped it off, got suspicious and called me. Lets just say the DEC and Sheriff had fun with this one.

    I just am amazed at how stupid some of the population seems to be and they actually make it into adult hood. I've always heard that dumb stuff dies....?

  10. Think thats bad? I had a small doe stolen off my four wheeler that was in the back of my truck sitting in the local Wal-Mart parking lot yesterday! I mean I just went in to get a bag of dog food, came back out and the straps were dangling from the rear rack and the deer was gone! No one in that busy parking lot even stopped an obvious theft...Good god what is this country coming to?

  11. Its to bad....10 yrs ago Keuka was known for its large lakers, I went back this year and the biggest I got all year was maybe 28", but we caught boat loads of them. I hope all the C&R fanatics take a lesson from this unfortunate situation.

    To much of anything is never a good thing. Doesn't take much to throw a system out of wack. I hope they put a no limit on lakers for two or three years and get this once awesome fishery back under control.

  12. Thanks for clearing that up fellas. Typical boondoggle of a govt. written regulation pamphlet. :@ Now why do they need a special section....why can't that just be said in the normal great lakes regs?......gotta love NY and there special way of generating errrrrr....income.

    If I hadn't read this on an internet forums and asked, and HAD taken a laker this weekend(unlikely), I would have kept it just like normal.

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