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Big Water

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Posts posted by Big Water

  1. I think it is where the aliens spaceships enter and exit from :lol:  They have reported Chinooks with three heads near there recently :) Sorry Big Water I couldn't resist...must have been the coffee...

    No need to apologize, it was all in jest!  Cabin Fever!

  2. Put the line in the release and see how hard you have to pull to trip it.  Adjust to a reasonable release tension.  If you over-tighten, it may be impossible for a smaller fish to trip it, or more importantly, for you to trip it when you bring in the rod.  If too loose, it may trip when you turn the boat or pick your speed up.  For Lake Ontario, I keep them relatively tight to get a better hook set on the initial strike.

  3. Yes thank you. Real excited, just ordered a lund sport angler 2000. Mostly will be fishing lake rays town in pa.

    Sent from my SCH-I605 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    That's my home lake when I'm not at Ontario.  Welcome aboard.


  4. Yes, math in fishing.  However, I think the lateral distance and horizontal distance are the same in this diagram.  As the dipsey pulls away from the boat it creates the lateral/horizontal distance where it is parked (so to speak).

    Agreed, but put this into three coordinates where the depth is the Y axis, the distance to the rear is the X axis and the distance to the side is the Z axis.  Your measurement is the vector magnitude in the XZ plane.  The question is what is the Z magnitude.

  5. Here is a sketch of my thoughts...please imagine the triangle relationship better than I could draw below.


    attachicon.gifdipsey angle.JPG


    So with the following angles of the dipsey rod wire and the vertical line depth, and the distance of wire line out, I came up with the following numbers:


    attachicon.gifdipsey angle_chart.JPG


    I never really was concerned about distances out from boat, but it was interesting to see these numbers.



    Ray,  Nice recollection of trig, but I think you're explaining how far behind the boat, horizontally, the lure is running.  The question is, I believe, "when I set a dipsey on 3, how far does it put it out to the side of the boat?"

  6. What?  Unless I misunderstand what you're suggesting, a dipsey diver on the cable without a downrigger ball on the cable would be just like having the dipsey on your wire line except it wouldn't dive as deep since the DR cable is heavier,  If you mean attaching a mono/braid dipsey rod to the release with a dipsey behind the ball, then yes.  You get more spread and depth that way.  You really need to snug down the release so that it doesn't pull loose from the tension of the dipsey.

  7.   My point is that the PRIMARY issues aren't being dealt with....the guy was mentally ill like so many others out on the street without services (or medication and monitoring) and families unable to have their dangerous relative admitted or committed because the facilities and services no longer exist or the "legalities"prevent it from happening.

    Spot on.  Deal with the mental issues and almost all of this goes away, and I don't mean being a compassionate humanitarian and having a talk with them.  With our age of having access to massive data capturing possibilities, use it for something worthwhile.....tracking these psyche cases.  If you track a persons abberative behaviour in a database from the time they are in kindergarten through adulthood, you'll know who the bad actors are.  Are they showing aggression, psychosis, anti-social behavior, narcissism, lack of compassion, cruelty to animals.....etc.  Be much less tolerant of these individuals and quicker to commit/imprison them  It's time for real measures and not feel good gestures.

  8. I stayed at the Gorgeous View hotel last trip which is about 1 mile up RT 14 on the west side of the lake.  Real nice people and they gave us a great rate because of the time of year.  The driveway is a little tricky, but I got my 18 1/2' boat up without incident (sharp turn....take the second entrance, much better).  It sits off of the beaten path and I had no issue leaving my tackle in the boat.  That's more than I can say about some of the places I've stayed there.    They even have a refrigerator and microwave in the rooms and brought pastries and juice to the room for the morning meal.  Ask for Stephanie.


    (607) 331-4276.




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