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monkey puke

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Posts posted by monkey puke

  1. I have 7 rods total. All are braid (spiderwire fusion and fireline). I fish Erie for eyes and Ontario. I try to set my gear up to be used on either lake so I don't need a gazillion set-ups. On Erie, there are some fleas, but not anything like Ontario. Last trip I broke a rod slapping fleas off. I've been thinking about getting a couple wire rods and you guys talked me into it.

    I like to be sure of what I'm buying before I go get it. I fish for everything and hunt everything so I need a ton of stuff from decoys to trolling rods to bird dog supplies. Thank you guys for the help on here!

  2. Thanks! Couldn't fish Sunday due to to waves, but Monday we got back out. When we started the themocline was about 10' down in close. We caught 6 browns and a little coho in 26 - 33 fow. I caught one 14 lbs 10oz and a few other really nice ones. My brother lost a screamer that took out 150' of line and got off (pretty sure it was a king). Then he hooked another hawg brown that busted the swivel. It was pretty busy for a couple hours then the wind started and screwed the temp all up. It got cold everywhere fast and the fish and bait all disappeared. Great morning!

  3. I tried to fish for browns yesterday, but the warm water was piled up inside and the thermocline was 75-80 feet out of Olcott. Heading back out today and tomorrow. Normally we fish where the thermocline meets the bottom as we did yesterday but only managed 1 dink brown. Is that the right think to do or should we ignore the temp and fish shallower where they usually are??? Any help would be great!

  4. I am a die-hard conservative, but I don't believe the economy can be blamed on the president. It is cyclical. On average, there is a recession every 12 years and statistically we will all live through at least 1 major depression. Each recession has the same pattern. Time will fix it and that is the only thing. The only real thing we should fear is people giving up on looking for a new job. Our country will fail when the givers outnumber the takers.

  5. I agree with Tex also! I live in Kersey Pa, but for 2 1/2 years I lived in Cortland, NY. I love it up there and the people are great. Ideally, I would live there for the summer months for the great fishing. Anyway, they have been drilling all around here for a few years now and there have really been no "real" bad side effects. Lots of people are already making LOTS of money. ;) Sure, there are new pipelines and roads being built, but most wildlife thrives on the edge habitat. The streams aren't being polluted and nobody's drinking water is being poisoned. The media would have you believe that fracking is "Oh so terrible". They have been fracking in Texas for years and years and there have been no proven bad side effects. It's kind of like the whole global warming thing. Last year was the first year Lake Erie froze completely in over a decade. The media blamed the freeze on global warming. When the lake temp is higher than normal, they blame it on global warming. They get you no matter how you look at it. The industries do need reasonable regulations to ensure limited impact on the environment, afterall the hunting and fishing is why we live where we live. It takes both sides to make the government work correctly. Just saying no to drilling doesn't help anyone (unless you are from Saudi Arabia).

  6. That would be great. I am originally from St Marys. I lived in Cortland, NY for 2 1/2 years and bought my trolling equipment while there. I moved back here and being away from any serious trollers, I have a harder time learning. Walleye on erie come alot easier to me usually than trout on ontario. This website is awesome for me.

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  7. Thanks to all!! Although I am confused a little. I tow my boat all over PA and NY fishing for alot of different species with alot of different methods. Trolling is maybe 30% of my fishing so I am no expert, especially for trout and salmon on Ontario. I thought the probe attaches to the downrigger cable. How does the coated cable work? What is blowback? I am constantly disconnecting my downriggers to fish for bass/walleye/panfish in smaller lakes. Do any of the probes have permanently mounted fixtures which will interfere with other fishing?

  8. Are there any derbies on Cayuga lake in September? We come up every year for the Red Cross derby but my son was born on July 12 this year. I've been fishing once since. He's been really bugging me to get him out fishing (haha). Starting to get the itch pretty bad. If anyone could give me any derby info, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!!

  9. I went out Saturday and had some technical difficulties and only got on the water at noon and fished till 6. We were in around 35' of water. Caught one 5 lb brown and 3 steelies 5-7 lbs on purple/orange scorpion spoons. Then the clouds blew in and it shut off. We changed up some colors and caught 2 cohos and a dink king on watermelon scorpion spoons. Couldn't believe we caught the steelies in so close!! Thanks to all for your help!!

  10. The browns on Ontario drive me nuts!! I haven't caught 1 and I have plenty of time in fishing for them. Nothing else gives me too much of a problem. Can anyone give me some tips on catching browns such as what spoons, depth of lure/water, speed or anything else that I could be doing wrong? I fish downriggers/dipseys. We will probably be making another trip to Olcott next weekend. I am new to this site and any info would be greatly appreciated!!

  11. I have fished out of Olcott several times and can't catch browns. I have no problem with steelhead, lakers and some salmon, but never browns. I have a fair amount of time in targeting browns with no fish. We did catch a 10 lber on Erie a few weeks ago fishing for eyes. Do you have any tips to help me out like spoons, depth of lure/water or anything else I might be doing wrong? We will probably be making another trip to Olcott next weekend and I'd like to give the browns another try. Thanks!

  12. I love the big browns! I have put in quite a bit of time fishing for them and have never caught one on the lake!! Over the 4th of July weekend my nephew caught a 10 lber on Erie on my boat while we were fishing walleye. "Go figure. I can catch alot of steelies and some salmon, but no browns on Ontario. I think we are making another trip to Olcott this weekend. I would like to put in some time for browns. Do you have any tips such as spoons, speed, depth or anything else to help me out?

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