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Posts posted by anniep

  1. It is beyond me why some people continue to rant about the ak47, ar15 and like military weapons. I posses a glock 23,40cal. hand gun (SEMI-AUTO) with half doden 13round clips,capable of changing clips in a fraction of a second ,if this is not enough carry two capacity 156rounds ,some will get the point. Place these firearms in the hands of a sick pearson,not a good result. People ,wise up not the gun or even the style of gun.

  2. I have replaced three out of five of my 5hs rigger cords. The male end on the pins break while disconnecting them. If you do not disconnect them for a month or so they stick together making them next to impossible to disconnect witout breaking . Grease them with vasoline and problem solved. Wish the mother board issues with the 5hs riggers i am having was as simple to fix. Lost 13 boards in three years i have had them. Other captains in my area are also having way more than there share of problems with theres also. Cannon says no real problems with there boards. I have been told repair shops are working overtime to repair or replace mother boards. Please respond if you now own or are having problems with this model. Cannon has updated the 5hs to a 5xt and says that they have updated the electronics in the 5xt . Seems odd if do problems were apparent with the 5hs. Would really like feed back on this post. Thanks guys.

  3. Having a lot of trouble with the 5hs riggers from cannon. Have 5 of these on my boat for three years and replaced 13 mother boards. Riggers wired with number 8 wire 55amp capacity direct to riggers. Running 13lb torpedos . One time in three years the thirty amp breaker at the rigger has tripped,all other times board burns the up-down realy on the board 20amp ratted. Is anybody else having problems? Calling cannon now. Have a lot more to the story latter.

  4. Having trouble with install of torpedo speed and temp cable. Put cable on rigger installed clincher on weight end but get no reading. Do you need to strip cable on the pulley end as you do on coated cable? Not sure if the center conducter need to make contact with the set screw on pulley. Got new updated antener also but not much for instructions with unit.Not even sure this new cable will work with cannon hds. Thanks for help in advance. fORGOT TO SAY THIS IS THE NEW TORPEDO CABLE WITH CENTER CONDUCTER.

  5. My new graph hds10 does not convert loran td numbers to long-lat numbers very close,off like 25 lines not good. Does anbody have this problem or a fix? Useing 9960 for chain on eastern basin l ont. Do i need to put in a given station number? Thanks for input.

  6. I am having big problems with these riggers. I have put a least 4 mother boards in my riggers in last two years. Two this year. Two riggers run off each batt direct as i have twn out board. Checked draw and all other aspects but still burn boards. Have two freinds that also have too much board problems one charterboat and one rec boat,. Cannon people say no problem with boards but they are always back-orderd and heard they have changed supplier for there boards. Also aut repair shop says that too much hard grease at factory causes overload on motor burning board. Anybody having this problem or have an answer? Going to call cannon on monday to see if i can get help. It semms to me this is a biggg problem. Thanks for any help. These boards are 75 per pop as well as down time. Like riggers but this is not good. Got 5 cannons on boat had mag 10s before no problems for 8 years.

  7. lOOKIN FOR HELP I now clean my solmon with a mister twister electric knfe. Works ok first rolling fish on back and cutting off the belly,then taking both sides off while flat on the table. Then i take off the skin while laying flat but end up cutting through the skin because of the thichness of the fish in the middle. Any help would be great . Should i use a regular knife and what is the proper way? Thanks so much and happy fishing.

  8. sub troll reads normal up to 2mph them starts to drop off. It appears that as long as you do not go over 2mph that it is working ok. also only down to 100ft.after that it stops working. 2ND NEW CABLE,sent back to moores said all is fine. Put my probe and head unit on my freinds boat still same prob any help will be appreciated Thanks.

  9. Would someone be so kind as to give me the steps to get the nav aids any other info from my new hds10 with new fishn chips card. Can not get to the screen that displays that info. Got there once but can not find it again. After finding this screen how do i acess each topic? Thanks so much in advance. Don;t see any where in the manual that address this isue.

  10. My copper on my reel both in letting out line and retreavel is loose on reel ,doesn't seem to wind tight on reel. EVen when holding

    copper on retreavel stiil is lose. Am i doing something wrong?


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