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Little Crappie

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Posts posted by Little Crappie

  1. man I was out there today and temp is there over 130FOW down 115-120 49 degrees and screens loaded and no takers. glad you were able to catch some fish we got a late start. went for eyes first and then went for kings. I couldnt believe it either just running through tons and tons of fish and no takers. hoping maybe it was the first day of good temps or something but theres fish out there, just locked jaw. maybe it's an early bite? 

  2. So if I wanted to catch walleye am I better off by the island in Henderson or hitting up chaumont? I'm desperate lol. Trolled brb for hours but I think kings are in there pushing stuff out. Any pointer would be great hope to get out this afternoon. Thanks LC

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United

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