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Posts posted by ITS A FISHAL

  1. I have a 89 16.5 foot Lund. Has a 1999 50hp mercury outboard with less than 200 hours on it. Solid boat. Has 2 Penn downriggers. Older Lowrance fish finder. Live well. Electric start, power tilt. 2 new marine batteries last year. Open bow.

    Will be uncovering this weekend. Will send pics this weekend. Will take 4200.00.

  2. Ruff Rider is headed in for the season. Good luck to everyone as they finish out their seasons and have a happy, healthy, and safe offseason! We will see everyone next year...

    Nick, Theresa, been great this year. Wish the fishing was at its peak. But that's fishing. Anyway I'm pulling boat this week as well. Want to do some upgrades and improvements, so maybe some mild weather will allow me to get this done prior to deep freeze. Start fresh spring time. Look forward to next year with you 2. Enjoy your winter and holiday seasons. Best wishes and be safe. Happy fishing See You two Out There.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  3. And to think, this thread was created by someone who made this his first post. Good question if you ask me. Created a large forum. It's good to see and hear there are people who still care and have a love for this fishery. I've got friends in high places. Let me see what I can come up with. Thanks for everyone's post of concerns and opinions. Hopefully all this expression will make a difference. Keep it up.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  4. Wel this is my first year fishing the big O in many years. I grew up trolling out of Hughes in Williamson and was hooked as a kid. Well some 30+ years later I have started trolling the lake again out of I Bay. I have had pretty good success finding and putting up lakers with several double digit days with an 18lb being our best. We have boated a few browns, steelies and a coho but nothing consistent.

    I would like to put a few kings on the deck and have FF, and dodger Jplug set ups. DR, DD, and planer boards with mast. I usually run 8 rods out of the boat just cant seem to find the fish. Yeah I know join the club, everything I have read has been that this year is a tough bite and the fact that I have been on 4 charters this year with 3 trips yielding only 1 fish and another trip being stellar. The captains have been outstanding taking time to teach and answer all my questions. I have the basics down just dont know what depth water to target this time of year when starting at 5pm. Have the fished moved out during the day because of the high sun and should I being starting in 80'-120' or should I stay inside 40' and target shallower? Tough this time of year with the sun going down so early so would like to get into the zone.

    I typically fish either between shipbuilders to bear creek or head west and fish the Genny west to the ponds. Going to head west tomorrow and try the Genny.

    Thanks for any insight.

    Tight lines


    I would start in 40 fow since water is cooling and salmon are starting to stage. Spoons back 65 to 80 on riggers,Find your temp. I would keep a spread from 20 feet to bottom. J plugs should be working by now. Use those with planner in front of genny. Find your current, direction etc. If lakers are hitting alot try and bump speed up a little. This time of year salmon have a tough mouth. Keep hooks new and sharp. Remember they don't feed much during stage period. They are aggressive and very irritable. So annoying them gets them to hit. (Hint, j plugs). Other than that, patients. Happy fishing, See You Out There.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  5. We were the montauck in the river of mud!

    My nephew from Vermont (15 yrs)was in town and nearly insisted we give it a go, despite the forecast, and offers of other lakes.

    Went just past the pier heads so the boys could experience a small craft advisory on an open boat in life jackets. My son (7 yrs) gave me The Harry eye ball right away and said this might be fun if it was nice out.

    Life lesson delivered and understood , trip already a success!

    Then trolled the river with J plugs, rattle traps and hot shots on boards since we had it all to our lonesome.

    Had two good rips but nothing stay buttoned long.

    Hot pink and fire tiger / gator were the favorites.

    Marked some fish, saw a few porpoise, did't see much exciting frankly.

    A friend fishing the pier early had the same report.

    Fished up to Seth Green and back, had wet cold but happy boys read for lunch by then.

    Good to get the boys out, but wasn't a day to do much, but learn what not to do. Well be back out the little guy likes the "fall excitement " and watching all the boats work.

    Getting time on the boat with the shortie is priceless.

    Be safe out there !

    I'm glad everything turned out good you guys made it out of there safely. Yes sometimes you need to show them what you're talking about. nothing excites me more then the education of the Great Lakes and are wonderful salmon fishing. The children keep this alive

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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