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Posts posted by jlogger

  1. We ran our gear into it back in May as well. Thankfully we were lucky enough to get it all back after 30 minutes of careful manuvering. We actually saw it soon enough but 20-30 yards of leeway wasn't enough apparently. It seems like it moves around out there, I remember seeing it out in front of the bay and east of it this year.

    By the way, great name Terrapenn. I am assuming you are referring to a rare and different tune.

  2. Due to the heat today I decided to post this report rather that fry on the water this afternoon.


    We left the bay yesterday a little late, 6:15am or so, and headed to about 75'. Dropped two riggers w/sliders and two dipseys all with an assortment of spoons and headed north. The purple and black went 2 for three on steelies around 35-40 down over 105 fow. I eventually moved out to 200-215 fow looking for something a little bigger. The steelies are great but we got our fill last weekend. Dropped a green and black SD with a 6" green glow Ito fly down to 90' over 205' and it only took about 15 minutes before that drag was screaming. Gina had a hard time getting the rod out of the holder this thing was pulling so hard. It screamed about another 100'-150' off and pop, it was gone. I think the combination of the drag being a little tight, Gina being new to this type of gear and the fact that I didn't pay attention to the lb test on that rod, it was only 17lb, when I rigged it all worked together to doom us on that one. If anyone finds a king with an SD and a fly hanging out of his mouth, tell him he owes me 20 bucks. We did go 120,231 for 120,231 on fleas though. The remainder of the morning was spent battling gear tangles and problems which eventually led to a bar stool and a cold beer. Seemed like there was some crazy current out there, the sub troll was fluctuating by 1.5 mph at times.


    On another topic, does anyone have details on the Sandy Shootout? I saw the flier online and I know we have to leave from and come back to Sandy, but where do you check in? I think will be launching at the public launch off the parkway.




  3. Got the weasel out for an evening fish and finally broke our drought on kings over 2lbs for this year. The screen was full of bait and marks over 100fow. It was the first trip with the new Lowrance. I'm not sure if the old graph missed alot or there were just a ton of fish out there last night. We lost one early but picked up a nice king 65 down over 100 on a blue and green pro king. He was a touch under 27lbs. He shot right accross the other rigger and dipsey and I was pretty sure we weren't going to boat it. Things can get messy on an 18' boat but Donny handled her well. We got the fish in but unfortunately we boated it around 7:30, too late to make weigh in. We were just happy to break the 5-7 lb laker and steelhead streak we've been on. Definitely chompin on the bit now!




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