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Posts posted by ducks517

  1. Had a blast doing this tourney. Finished 25th or 26th by looking at the board. Not bad for having my boat less than a year. Caught a ton just couldn't find any over 18 with some weight. Good to see a pair of teams I know finish in the top 5.

  2. You need to recharge the chip. Look online and find the charging adapter, plug it into your computer and download the charge direct to your chips. :lol:

    I can't find the charging adapter. Is there an app for the Iphone that can charge them?

  3. I am starting to buy some flies to add to the tackle box. I see this E-Chip on a lot of stuff now. Is it worth the extra money? I am willing to try it out vs the same color without it. But figured it was a question worth asking. I most likely will be buying them from A-TOM-MIK. Just placing a big order to have a good selection. Opinions welcome. LOL

  4. Went out on Oneida for a couple of hours in the morning. Had other stuff to do. Only got 1 eye, 11 pickeral ( bastards) and one smallmouth. All my buddies hammered them.

  5. Still deep in my research and buying equipment. Looking at getting a bunch of flies to start up that part of my equipment. I keep coming across the Hootchie's. Do you guys use them at all. Most everything that I read on here is all about the trolling flies. The hootchies seem more economical but if they don't catch fish I am not going to waste my money. Just wanted the opinion of the masses.

  6. While out yesterday in Mexico Bay I was all alone to start the morning. Not another boat within 500yds or more. I had all my lines out on a slow troll at 2.5. Me and my buddy see this boat coming straight at us wondering what he is doing. He proceeded to fly by us going roughly 20-25mph creating a huge wake but only swung to the side of us by about 50yrds roughly. To say I was a bit pissed was an understatement. If I can swing out wide while going around any boat I will. Certainly won't fly by someone that close at full speed. The cooler on the back said "tackle one". I am wrong at thinking he should have had swung out wider to go by? Maybe it's me just not wanting to upset other fisherman.

    [ Post made via iPhone ] iPhone.png

  7. I went out in search of kings yesterday and used bright green almost lime green color dipsy divers. One I had a green snubber and the other a red snubber. Got the king on the green/green and a laker on the green/red combo. Just wondering if the dipsy color matters all that much. If so what are the hotter colors you guys use?

  8. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:




    Date(s): 5/2

    Time on Water: 7am-11am


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 5

    Total Boated: 3

    Species Breakdown: brown, first laker, first king

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed: 2.2-2.5

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 60-80

    Lure Depth: all over




    Well being this is my first year fishing Lake Ontario we have had a good year in my opinion. Today I didn't want the browns. My sole goal was to catch my first king. Was a nice 11lb fish. Mission accomplished. Hit that dipsy/spoon combo hard as hell. Bent that pole over bad. Fought pretty good. Couldn't get the smile off of my face. After a bit pulled in our first Lake trout as well. Then as we were pulling in all the lines and a 5lb brown hit another spoon we had out on a rigger. Never moved the pole will I released it from the clip. Being new and only reading things on the net it was a learning curve on much line to let out on the dipsys. But we needed to start somewhere. Had a blast!!!


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