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Posts posted by LBT1

  1. Hi Murray. We  use a 19 braid Torpedo wire on  the starboard dipsey diver  rod with glass eyes its 10 years old. With usually 245 to 275 feet out or so on a # 2 setting. The rod really bends when under power. Then just set the clutch to stop clicking line out, your locked in ready at about 80 feet down . If the trigger snap pops on the diver, the line comes up on the  angle towards the surface. Once you get the hang of it, they produce fish.  And Big ones. They set back way off to the side,  out of the way so the spin doctors can rotate. We set 2 down riggers first. When marking fish, then put out the port side dipsey with a 7 braid with a flasher spoon or fly . Our go to last line is grandpas old lead core.it is dead centre out the back all 10 colours that is 300 feet plus 20 more feet  of a fluorocarbon suffix .  Put on a made in Peterborough Ontario  Lucky strike spoon, and get into the 30 foot range for some awesome Rainbow action. This nets fish everyday. Darn I better go to work now. There may be a few sick days coming soon. Prepare for tomorrow. Len

  2.  Murray. Whitby is west of us in Cobourg. Our Sea ray  boat sat all summer under the Blue Covid mask.  One buddy says lets go last Saturday. Boat was a lot of work to get setup, for one day out. We were on the dock for 5 a.m. I had my 5 usual rod setup, 2 wires with dipsey and spin doctors, 1 was meat rhe other a green fly. 2 downriggers set with spoon, and a flasher fly combo. Lead core out down the centre chute.  We put in at 75 f o w and trolled. I was blind to the popular baits or the hot spoons, Anyway we got totally drenched by an  early morning down pour.  Not much on the finder so we hunted for fish. by about 8:00 I had changed gear quite a bit. finally a rigger popped with a crush glow 1/2 blue green flasher and blue fly. Normally I set the hook and hand the rods over. Well he battled a good one, but Jim  was a little  over excited and Now you know The rest of the Story. Sun come up after a bit. Went out to 275.  0 for 2 . Going to get back in September. Last year a young lad turned 15 and we both managed a double header at about 8:15 pm 2 x mid 20s with  long lines  and High a  5  too.  That's Fishing. 

  3. On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2015 at 10:35 AM, FishBob said:

    I am back from Port Darlington. Was there from Friday July 31st to Monday August 3rd with a relative. This was another successful annual trip for us, give or take the bad weather in late afternoon on the weekend.


    No success at all Friday pm 2pm to 7pm, fishing from 140 to 220 fow.


    Saturday was a very good day with 6 fish in the box, 4 Chinook and two Coho. Lost two big ones as well, both of them broke the setup, one a clean spoon (must have been a bad knot) and one that broke the leader between the dispy and the spin doctor. May be I should reconsider using snubbers? Let me know your thoughts ...


    Started at 6am on Sunday. The lines were on fire for a few hours from 6:30 to 8:30 in 90 to 120 fow. Caught a Steelhead and a Chinook, a few shakers, and lost a big Chinook twenty feet from the boat. We then went south up to 280 fow without any success, then came back in 120 to 80 fow for the last hour before returning for lunch around 1pm. Cam back around 4:30pm and stayed close to shore from 70 to 110 fow due to bad weather forecast, and had to rush out back to the marina around 6pm to avoid the terrible storm.


    Could not go out Monday morning due to the height of the waves(4 to 8 ft) likely caused by the huge storm late Sunday.


    At all times, we had two lines on downriggers and two lines out on dispy divers (set on 3). Most of the hits on clean spoons off the riggers, and some success (low number of hits but solid fish) on the dispies with spin doctors and flies. White, Green and Aqua blue were the most successful colors.


    Too bad I had to come back home for work! I love this lake ...

     Fish Bob  Our boat runs out of Cobourg. Last week we were in fairly tight 80 to 100 FOW. Tool this beauty 28.8 on a dipsey with snubber  We use 2 rods with Dipsey s and learned from losing tackle, How important the snubber is.  Braid from the rod down to the dipsey is a must. The snubber right behind dipsey then to rigs. Helps soften the bite when a Big fish grabs on . We have got way more  fish using a snubber. You tear the jaw out of the fish without them . Leaves them with a tooth ache. We pulled a 28.8oz King on that set up. Send a pic too you. 

  4. Further east out of Cobourg, we usually go some  4/5  days with 2 down riggers, 2 dipsey,s and 1 long chute lead core. Yesterday we lost a Great spoon .A dream weaver called a  Blue Whale.  No hits on our wire with twinkies and meat?? Water meion always produces.   Question is, What does your first line up start with?   We have some large spin doctors with crush glow and some glow spoons moon shine too. Like your  videos and posts. Keep the tips Up ! 

  5. On ‎8‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 11:00 PM, quartapound said:

    Lines down at 530, still pitch black.  Took a half hour for some light, and the first strike, it was a good one.  18lbs, but fought above its weight class.

    rest of the day was spotty. picked up another nice 16lb shortly after, they were hitting green fly/flasher and various mag spoons, didn't touch the meat.

    Spent most of our time between  80-110, down 40-60 when in tight.  things got quiet, by 10 we decided to head to the blue zone.  Buddy lost a good one that took a rip on the wire dipsy out 140 on #3 over 300fow on green fly/sd.  

    After that we decided to check the radar because the Hamilton radio station we were listening to said it was getting dark over the city.  it looked PERFECT where we were (but it was very hazy).  looked at the radar and saw some nasty stuff headed our way... And not far, it was already overtop Hamilton Harbour and headed for us fast.  (original forcast was rain/thunderstorms around 1, then they changed it to 4, then 7)..... the original forcast was right.  decided right away to pack up and head close to port at least.  That's when a boom of thunder ripped across the calm lake.  That was it for us. We ran straight to oakville and went to find a dock to tie upto for a short while and ride out the storm.  Got lucky and found a spot right under the bridge.  the storm cell was intense, but small, and we didn't have to hide out for very long.

    Ended the day 7 for 10 with 2 doubles!  biggest fish were 16 and 18 lbs

    Enjoy the video!






  6. Hey there Greg.  Welcome aboard.  We had some huge east winds blow for the past week now. Our boat went out of Cobourg when the winds dropped on Sunday. We put down the sub troll temp  probe and in 150 feet of water, down at 100 feet of downrigger we had Temp reading of 65. That's a lot of warm water down there. We were thinking of going out to 250 to 300 and try to get mid 50 temps. We trolled at 150 depth and had no action. Let things calm down and going  this weekend.  Fish On:smile:

  7. D giroux. Well that's a tough day. when fish are not in the boat..  Our family enjoys fishing too. We go out at Cobourg usually at 6am and mark fish on the finder. Then sometimes we go an hour or 2 before things start to happen. I m  captain DAD and try all sorts of rigs ,flies  and spoons. We use 5 rods and it is a bit of work. Finally a rod pops Yahoo and the fun starts..Our 2 trips so far have produced. 1 day 2 bows and a 15 pound king for Garnett. The 2nd trip was about the same   Mackenzie got 2 bows and lost a big one.  Her friend Rob pulling  in a 15 pound king. It is hard when they are on the screen and not biting. Keep changing stuff and change your speeds and direction. Down under has some strange currents. The top boat speed is Not What your Baits are moving for sure.  We use a sub troll 900. Temp and ball speed at 2.5 up to 3. we are going this Saturday or Sunday. Best of Luck and Keep your lines tight.  Go catch them.      

  8. yep we have been getting some big kings. Last week of august we were 4/4, took 70 + pounds 2 kings 1x 29.5 and 1 x 24.7,2 rainbows 1x 10 lb and 1x12  lb .trolled in shallow first then moved out to 250 FOW. The bows were actually down 80 to 90 ft quite deep but awesome fishing. We went back out on Sunday and got  1/4 a beautiful 24 lb newbie on board let a few go to get bigger. Go get em.post-151408-0-39773200-1441746837_thumb.jpgpost-151408-0-60637900-1441746906_thumb.jpg

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