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Everything posted by timeline2013

  1. Looking to sell the attached GFlys 12 in total for $15! These are bodies only! Will take first $15! text me to confirm...315-8078534
  2. Looking to sell the attched 12 GFlys. These 12 flies are bodies only. Colors are perfect for both salmon and trout. You''l be impressed at how these flies hold up fish after fish! Will take the first $20!!
  3. Looking to sell the attached 9 Speedy Shiners. They are 4" in size. These lures are great for spring, summer and fall trout and salmon. The action they display triggers all species no matter time of year. I will sell all 9 and ship for $25. These spoons are like NEW!!
  4. Looking to sell the attached Northern King Lures. Many are brand new and don't have a single blemish. Will sell all 24 for $90! act fast!! buyer to pay $7 shipping
  5. Looking to sell the following Shasta Tackle lures.I have 8 that are 2 1/2" and the other 4 are 1 3/4" These are BRAND NEW and never touched water. I have taken countless steelhead and browns on these spoons. A super planer board spoon that weighted properly. Will take first $20 for all!!!
  6. Looking to sell ALL of my BRAND NEW standard silver streak lures. I have close to 60. Will sell all for $200 A few other colors too!! Colors are great! Serious buyers only!
  7. Looking to sell 1 set of Super Ski double planer boards, . These are in great shape! Want to sell all as a set. Will sell all for $75! Buyer to pay shipping! Syracuse area Call Tom at 315-297-0823 for more info!
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