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Posts posted by Sea-IV

  1. We don't use a release unless your gonna stack on your rigger cable. Michigan Stinger makes a cheater snap which I use to set a second spoon to my mainline and when a fish hits it it slides to the bottom which pops the release on rigger. Other wise known as a cheater line or called a mupped line.

  2. It's about time they started acting right. Damn been playing with them all winter and hit a few here and there but nothing like it should be. Congrats on the catch, I will be on the hunt this weekend for sure now.

  3. are they usually low in the water colum like lake trout?[

    Yes and no, I will run my lines 5-10ft from bottom and what you will see is the fish streaking either up or down. Usually the down streaks I found are the Kings but like I said they are mixed in so if you find bait balls stay close to it cause the Kings will be ripping through it.

  4. Definitely we try and sometimes we get lucky. It's a matter of finding the bait, you find that and the Kings should be there but they can be scattered from 10' out to oblivion. Best bet would be to go for lakers cause the Kings are close and mixed in. I run from Irondequoit and head towards the Genny in about 70' and go from there. Temperature is key, 46 degrees is usually my target number.

  5. Another tip and it not cheap but very nice for removal and putting back on is the track system. I had a 2012 Tracker V18 I rigged up and the tracks made it nice when I decided to go to smaller lakes for perch or bass fishing. I just purchased another boat and am doing the same thing all over again. Rigging is fun but t expensive.

  6. I have twin Etec's and never have I ran the XD50 unless it was an emergency. They are a direct injected motor and the XD100 is specific for those. Pugleys is who installed my motors and he made it sound as if I ran the XD 50 and something happened to the motors it would void my warranties.

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