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Posts posted by Sea-IV

  1. Been fishing that lake for 30 years and my family has been for over 50. They are out there for sure, have a buddy that dives and has monsters come swimming right up to him. It's just tough this time of year cause the bait is readily available for them and they don't eat much once they are full. The 11.34 that my uncle said was 18 had 13 sawbellies in its gut when we cleaned it.

  2. Believe I even went as far as changing the batteries in the sensor cause I thought something was up. When I slowed down the bites stopped, brought speed back up and not even 5 minutes and off we went. I have never trolled that fast at the ball before so it was different. Might be what made the day for us cause a few guys were leaving cause they said bite shut down. I don't know what it was exactly but no complaints from us for sure

  3. Well what a afternoon outing we had today. Left dock at noon and setup by 1230. First ripper by 1245, it stripped 200' in the rod holder then another 200' in my hand. After a good 20 minutes of tug of war managed to net our first 20+king of the season of a green dot skinny with a sweet pea fly. Get that released and turn around and the rigger fires off with another mature king. 5 minutes later another mature on the wire. It slowed a bit after the arm burners but managed 11 for 16 with 2 breaking off on the initial run. All east from Shippy's to the Point in 80-90 Dow. Wire out 105-125 on 2 setting. 5 color took 2 shots but nobody home. When the sun was out the flasher/fly combo was firing and when the clouds moved in the spoons took over and by 6 the wind died and bite shut off so we packed up our sore arms and headed in with ear to ear smiles. Best trip out this year for kings, our biggest was just shy of 23# and smallest was 14# and changepost-155451-0-10683700-1432601221_thumb.jpgpost-155451-0-84306000-1432601305_thumb.jpgpost-155451-0-08653800-1432601307_thumb.jpgpost-155451-0-95170400-1432601400_thumb.jpgpost-155451-0-73545500-1432601430_thumb.jpgpost-155451-0-05130200-1432601501_thumb.jpg

  4. We are gonna shake that board up a bit. Caught a 18.8 laker just before weigh station closed last night so we on our way to north end shortly to weigh her in. Hopefully not to much loss over night out her on ice but it's the biggest Laker I have ever seen come out of Seneca in my life

  5. Just an update we landed a 18.8 late yesterday and couldn't get it to weigh in but will be going first thing this morning at the north end. I am sure there is some loss of weight but biggest maker I have ever seen come out of this lake.

  6. The things that got me was the same day the article was posted on the Oneida page, there was pics of a kayak club that had a paper bass tournament at Oneida and posted pics of the fish as well. Bass is catch and immediate release according to the rules, so how can a club have a tournament that requires you to measure the fish length and girth in order for the fish to qualify. Huh

  7. The DEC has decided to start funny people for taking pics of fish that are caught out of season. The fine would be $250 and or a year in jail I think the article stated. The thing that made no sense in the paper article someone posted on the Oneida Diehard thread on Facebook is a pic of a DEC Biologist holding up a white sturgeon right below this article.

  8. Yes you have it right. The drag created from the line going through the water makes a bow in the line going to your release so when you throw a slider down the mainline I usually stops at that bow. Or they do make snaps now with a rubber coating with a cut in the center so you can clip in anyplace on your mainline where you choose. Both do the same thing when a fish strikes and it slides to the release and pops most of the time

  9. The east wind tends to run against the current which from my past on the lake almost creates a slack water situation and fish generally won't feed. As for the water temp it also rolls the surface water under and creates upwelling mixing he thermal line up. I have been on the lake catching Browns in 60' one day and 2 days later after a East blow had to chase them out to 200'. Fish bite the least when the wind is from the east and the best when it's from the west.

  10. I have read the last couple of posts and maybe it's me but the problem I have with using a release off the ball is they tend to not track properly and if your going out of Oak you could run into current issues which might but not always get a tangle here and there. The Roemer and Blacks are good for stacking. My personal preference is the Blacks because it hasn't failed me yet but Roemers are tough to adjust properly. The Scotty's are nice as well for stacking which is what I use when I do stack. Good luck

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