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Posts posted by FishingTheFL

  1. I'll point out too that a year and a half ago, every boat in the world was hammering the schools off Sampson, with many, many limits going home in coolers. It was a massacre, and it lasted a long time.

    I'll hazard a guess that the population took a hit.

    Think you hit one of the nails on the head. I don't fish their much since I've never caught much but last year sounded like craziness in Ovid... People release that if you take all the spawning fish... their won't be anymore right?

    Back to Les' topic on perch fishing... 50 per person is a lot of fish...

  2. Three Letters.... GMO...

    Add some vital weakness to genetics. Mostly thinking of Mussels. Plants are a different story. I believe that we can get it under control with new understandings of genetics. Use Darwin's theory in the favor of mother nature. Gotta remember tho changing the DNA could also spread that DNA to environments where they naturally exist and making that environment unstable.

    I know some one is saying just get rid of them lol

  3. I think your right about the bottom composition. Cayuga has more sand where Seneca has more rock. Would make sense, more surface area the cleaner the lake. Less spawning grounds since they literally cover everything including each other...

    Seems to me the answer could be in the larva form before the shell becomes hard... all this talk about gmo stuff.., when should introduce genetics to the species that then ultimately cause larva to be sterile, or softer shells so they can be consumed. Just a thought...

  4. I wanted it setup like that but guy I had do it set it up the way it back on switch that runs off the main motor. I truly think this is where all my issues are.

    Couldn't find perch. Broke a pike off before waves got to bad. Found one area that looked promising with fish being marked 6 ft down over 20fow. Apparently I have a large crack to fix... looks like I got some grinding and fiber glass work to do... ugh.

  5. Is there some where that you can still launch on the north end? They had the dock out at the state park so I didn't check the chamber. Bunch guys at Sampson. Didn't see anyone catch any perch. Saw on pike caught and I caught a bullhead on the first cast... I don't know the west side all that well.

  6. Went out Sunday and Monday... Nadda... one strike Monday. Two weeks ago I couldn't keep the poles in the water.

    Maybe the fish went closer to Ithaca, maybe there in the shallows of the north... only place I haven't hit was by the college and Lp.

  7. I know couple locals when they were kids would steal anything they could... they stole checks and a hand gun... They were easily caught because idiots actually signed the guys pay check and tried cashing it... not to mention the Hunter had binoculars and could pick them out...

    I know people target me as I've had $2500 worth of equipment stolen last year...

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