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Odie 1

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Posts posted by Odie 1

  1. Thanks for all the above replies.  I think I am on my way.  I am def going to a fishhawk and the cv 30d convector reels.  Just got to decide on my poles.  I am leaning towards some of the okuma rods with swivel tips.

    Not to open up another can of worms but last spring I think I read on this site that the 19 strand torpedo wire was a bit of a pain to put on.  Any thoughts on that?

    But also if it is more forgiving for a beginner that will go along way towards making me choose it.

    Thank you.

  2. Thanks for the input so far.  I may spool the reels myself or perhaps Fat Nancy will do it...they seem to be a reputable bait/tackle shop.

    Back quickly to the rods...so the GLT okuma are not good choice for running wire dipseys? I have seen some folks use blue diamond rods or of course other pricey rods.  I live in PA near Pittsburgh so I prob will only make it up for one trip a year or so.  So figure I don't need the top of line takle...but still want to make decent choices.  Appreciate some rod recommendations for wire dipseys.

    Also, from my extensive reading of this site it seemed like the consesus was to use wire over braid due to the fleas.  Is that correct?

    Is a twilli tip needed at all if say i go up for 5 days a year?  Wasn't sure if it helped reeling or just saved the eyelets.

    Thanks again.  I do fish Lake Erie frequently so I am not a total newbie to Great Lakes....but this salmon fishing on Lake Ontario seems a bit more complicated so just trying to keep it simple....(I have prob read a ton on this site...great place thanks again.)

    Lastly, me and my wife rented a place in Olcott for next summer just to come up and fish....trying to get all my ducks in a row prior to....I have a couple more questions but will just get the rods figured out 1st.

    (And yes....I see it can get pricey...rods and reels...500, fishhawk 800, lures

    Oh and lets not forget fuel since prices are way up.)


  3. Hi Everyone.  I have been reading this site for about a year, lots of helpful advice.  Need some details on reels/wire.

    I am going to buy the Okuma cv 30D convector reels.  I can get them at Tacke Haven prespooled with 150 yards of 20lb mono backing and 600 feet of wire.  Is the 20lb mono sufficient or do I need 30lb?  Also it does not say what wire it is and have read there is 7 wire, 19 etc.  I am pretty clueless what to get.??  So not sure if I should buy prespooled?

    I am planning on running dipseys on the wire and then probably one or two downriggers

    Can i go with the 20 Okuma reel for the downrigger?

    Otherwise going to get Okuma GLT rods, twilley tips.  That at least my

    Initial plan after studying this site. 

    Thanks for any all advice on the reel/backing/wire issue and anything else for new Lake Ontario angler.

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