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Everything posted by tyler.woodard04

  1. Always have a fully charged jump pack under the helm just in case.
  2. yes, boat only had 1 battery in the bow when i bought it. added a second for runtime
  3. From what I can tell my kicker is equipped with charging. Currently run this motor fixed straight and run the speed just under the target speed and use my Terrova to steer and fine tune the speed. I have 2 31 size batteries running the trolling motor (12V) Any reason I should not run the cables from the kicker to the trolling batteries?
  4. agreed, i have them for my divers. was curious on the spyderloks for the adjustable tree they have for planers.
  5. has anyone had a chance to verify spyderlock track with any of the other manufactures accessories? or the spyderlock accessories in a berts or cannon track?
  6. Morning, looking for some of the dual axis track mount rod holders with the rectangular bases. thank you
  7. What size swivel have you found that will go through the opening on the reels?
  8. I'm no opposed to switching tips either. Thank you
  9. Maybe I'm not being clear on what I'm trying to do. With my small boat I try to break the rods down for transport. With wire we all know kinks are one of the problems. If I add 15' or so of braid to the wire then the dipsy I can break the rods down and not have to worry about kinking or loose wire that want to twist. The braid would go from the wire to the diver. Would a small swivel that can come over the tip roller and though the eyes be best? Is there a braid to wire knot that works well so the swivel won't hang up when reeling in a fish?
  10. I'm looking to add some heavy (65lb) braid to the end of my wire line so I can break the rods down for easier storage on my small boat and not kink the wire or let it get curly. Is there a recommended knot or termination to do this?
  11. Looking to buy a pair of otter boats, Thanks
  12. For those of you running this type of setup on a small boat- are you running your rods on a tree? its been a while since ive run a planer like this and it was on the boat i was working on. much bigger then what i have to work with. do these plane hard enough out from the support pole that there is room to work in the back of the boat? guess the question im asking is about what angle do these run at from the centerline of the boat?+
  13. Afternoon, I was just curious if anybody has any information on rods that could be used for both inline planers and downriggers for salmon and trout fishing. Being I have a small boat I'm trying to manage my space best I can. Thanks
  14. Morning, My name is Tyler. Kept having this forum pop up on some searches i've been doing. Figured might as well join if this is where the knowledge and experience is. Been fishing my whole life. Ebs and Flows as does everything. Growing up bank fishing and fishing a local pond from a 12' aluminum. Now and then we would hit Cayuga for bass. In Highschool I worked on a boat out of Sodus Bay. Did not wet a line for a while. did a few trips with friends and family but that was it. A couple years ago started fishing the lower niagara and Chautauqua for walleye with co workers. Ended up buying a 16' tracker Pro Guide WT about the same time. Did not think it was going to be big enough for the big lake. My father in law had a couple of old walker electrics that i mounted and started fishing Cayuga for lakers. Got them figured out. Expanded to a couple of wire line dipsy rods and figured we would pick a day for the big lake and give it a shot. Caught the first salmon and steelhead on this boat last year. Going to give browns/steelhead a shot this spring. My boat as said before is a 2011 16 Pro Guide WT.- 60 HP with a 9.9 kicker. Terrova bow mount. Lowrance 7" on the dash and another at the bow. Picked up a fish hawk TD last year. Need to get a x2 or x4 at some point also. Use both the kicker and Terrova to maintain speed and heading while trolling. Works well, especially alone. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
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