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Time Out

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Posts posted by Time Out

  1. Sometimes the dipseys just won't work. We have gone two days in a row with very little dippy action. Try flasher/fly off them, or only run one per side. Try longer leaders out to 12' or so. How were your rigger bites?

  2. The DEC has been stepping up on firewood transportation enforcement this summer since the discovery that the Emerald Ash Borer is getting closer to the area. Its been found as far west as Steuben and Livingston counties. You are only allowed to transport wood 50 miles from its source, or you are breaking the law. Seems like a road block would be a good spot to check.

  3. Fished last night out deeper 450'-600' hitting around 15 kings and a steelhead. Saw you guys setting up in around 300' give or take a few. Fish were smaller up to 15lbs. All fish came on spoons with exception to one that hit a BW irritated frog/ green dot spinny. A variety of spoons worked. Only hit one in shallow around 200'. Kings galore down 300' all the way out. Hopefully they lift up sometime soon.

  4. Tim,

    There is no set amount of money that an observer has to make. If you can find someone who wants to learn or just a really bored person, they may not want any money. Its just usually a way to convince someone to be an observer. woody loves being a non paid observer.

  5. Can anyone else see whats on the banner across the top of the website? Looks like it may be the counties and some other things. It gets covered up by support our sponsors and the Featured articles picture box. Was unable to find the link for last weeks total team results although I have seen it as there was a link posted here.

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