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Posts posted by GAMBLER

  1. Fish Trap Yukon. It is a little heavy and expensive but it is worth every penny. I have one and would not buy any other tent. You can put all of your crap in it and haul it out on the ice with worring about bungy cording everything to the top. My brother and father own the Frabill 2 man and they are ok. A lot cheaper and lighter but not built as good as the Clam. The seats are not as comfortable and as sturdy. If you want to check the Clam Yukon or the Frabill 2 man out let me know and you can meet my father and I out on the water somewhere and I will be happy to let you pull mine or my fathers out to our spot, set it up, and check it out. ;)

  2. Fish the mud plume at the Genesee River. If the mud plume stretches down to Ship builders point, fish the green water in 75 fow or less. Usually the mud plume is a couple degrees warmer and draws a fair number of kings. Some years is great and some are horrible. The spring of 2004 we crushed the kings in late April and early May.

  3. Rob,

    You should have seen it Saturday morning. It was a zoo. I had a jerk drill a hole 10' from my tip up. There was a huge section of ice with no one on it 30 yards away but he had to fish right next to my tip up.

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