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woody 184

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Posts posted by woody 184

  1. Okay I think my Blood Pressure has come down after yesterdays ordeal under the tent in Oswego. I appreciate Tim posting the discrepancy on this matter for my team "MUD CHICKEN". I unfortunately wish it ended slightly differently of course... I do think that next time this Challenge gets posted that being in line with the cooler NEEDS to be on there.. If that had been on there you can guarantee that I would have been running through the tent with at least 2 out of 3 of our fish slime running down my leg... Unfortunately our cooler weighed roughly 100lbs between fish and water..... That is what slowed us getting it under the tent..... Tom I appreciate your post on this matter and I understand where your coming from but any gray areas are subject to arguement.. Now my Teams main goal yesterday was to see how we as a Team could hold up with the Best on the Lake... Now we know we can hang with the best and yesterdays ordeal will just fuel the fire for us to perform better than yesterday and hopefully put some serious fish in the boat for next weekend in Sodus... Tim and I will be fishing next weekend with Coup under the name Hide and Seek so we will see everybody in the Point......... Dale

    P.S. We will make sure that we are back to the tent with our cooler in plenty of time next time.........Maybe even some cold :beer: in there also ;) ......HAHAHAHA

  2. PS how does the boat run when it is hot... Does it still idle nice or does it stall even after a couple hours of running... Just wondering I had a similiar issue with my old Penn yan and i found the coil was bad... Problem was it presented like it was a fuel issue and I change the fuel filters several times on the rochester carb and the inline marine filter to no avail.... Dale

  3. Hey Jeff I appreciate you helping me out buddy.... I will remember that in Sodus this year when I feed you one to many adult beverages before day 1....... You won't have nice Observer that will be your alarm clock like 5 years ago out of Sodus then help you boat a couple Kings when you had a Electronics Malfunction, leave some special spoons for you on your boat to help you out a little.... HMMMMM..... I thought maybe you forgot about that nice guy that helped you out, Oh well.......hahaha.... Dale

    Timmy we need to get a Observer we can pay in BEER...... Maybe we can get Ray to do it.... i will even throw in a free Shave down for his buffiness......

  4. COUP.... Glad to see you post.... Boat ran good... This early summer has me rethinking the floor project till the winter... I hope Mayor Duffy gets the Corporate WEASELS to put you guys back to work with Union terms... I am missing having you out fishing.. Water level is coming up nice out of Hughes so we should be able to get your badboy down in and out with no problems.... I had my boss out the other day he is ok on a rod but he doesnt catch the releases like you or Tim..... How are things going on the picket line, do you think there is any hope to being back to work by beginning of July..... I will try to call you from work tomorrow afternoon.....

    Kevin I have been either working or at my daughters softball games, the are coming to an end very soon so i will start seeing you on wednesdays if I ain't workin..... We will get out very soon...

    Timmy... I will send you a text tomorrow about next week for the LOC..... Dale

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