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Posts posted by troubles

  1. Raymarine has a few reasonable combination units. I have a 24 Thompson and use a 6" combination for my GPS with that as my backup fishfinder. My main fishfinfder is a Furuno 620. Furuno is the best IMO.





  2. I agree that the event was well thought out as far as the changes in the format was concerned. It seemed to address the concerns of most of the critics who had nothing good to say about past events.  (no comm. etc.) The organizers had an advantage due to the fact that social media plays a big part in getting the message to followers of our sport, as well as receiving criticism. But what is puzzling is that with all the effort, and all the passion that goes into trying to satisfy the needs and concerns of all, the event only drew 10 Am teams??  are you kidding?  I dont have numbers to back it up, but I can recall passionate discussion on this board and elsewhere from ALOT people (mostly Am's) who would only come back to the event if the issues were addressed, well they certainly were!! and still nothing.??  

    I'm a weekend worrier who happens to possess a captains license, so I gladly compete against Pro's. and the pro turn out was decent. Tournament fishing isn't for everyone, but if someone can tell me how this event only drew 10 Am teams, which was offered at a reasonable entry fee IMO, I would like to hear it.

    Tom Tom and Rob did a great job organizing the event and as stated before. WTG.   



    There also were at least 10 pro teams from Mexico and Oswego who did not come back, Perhaps there are  more reasons that haven't been discussed. All we can do is promote for next year.

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