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Posts posted by W.W.IV.

  1. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:5:30-9:30am


    Wind Speed/Direction: WNW

    Waves: YEP

    Surface Temp:

    Location: north.

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 2

    Total Boated: 1

    Species Breakdown: steel

    Hot Lure: Attacker

    Trolling Speed: 1.5--3.5

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 80--130

    Lure Depth:



    ==================== Headed out about5:30 kind of a slow bumpy ride out to 100fow, dropped my temp prob. had 46deg. between 90--100fow. setting up in my 16ft. was hazardous duty, put out two divers,port with mag.ring out 325 and star. with standard ring out 300. Port rigger fires and got a steelie in the net, set back up ,fish on same diver, oops it gone. so much for fish today 9:30 thats all folks. :)

    Hey Camoman, was that you I saw bobbing around in about 90fow just west of IBay?

  2. Gota bite,

    If you get a break off , a king with a FF set up the king will fight it till it ezhausted and float on the top and most likely die. there's a good chance of picking him up within a half hour of the break off. You may even see a seagull sitting next to him waiting for it to die. I all ways check floating salmon for hardware. 8)

  3. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction: SW

    Waves: 1+ to flat

    Surface Temp: hot

    Location: east out of bay

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 10

    Total Boated:3

    Species Breakdown: kings steelies

    Hot Lure: hi speed atackers

    Trolling Speed: 2.3---4.0

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 40-125fow

    Lure Depth: 20 55.



    ====================Wens.20. Set up by 6:00am 40fow, two riggers two wire divers and sliders.Two hits 0n port rigger mupped mixed vegie, nice steelie ripped of slider with mag spoon, land next hit ,smaller steelie. The other rigger fires as I was gettin ready to change lures, the rod poped in my handand went slack, I reeled as fast as I could , fish on, pasted the rod to my partner , the fish jumped wow biggest king I;ve had on in a long time, no big runs he came to the back of the boat to quick for a fish that size maybe 30+lbs. Well you know what happens, he took off and straightened out the swivel. :o:( . By the way were in the LOC. Hooked two more fish and lost them. It got slow around 10;00 , cleared the lines and put on to hi speed attackers down 50 ft. and cranked it up to 4.0mph, Hey fish on and fish off. thats all today. :)

    Thurs.21 On the water by six. Set up two riggers and two divers at 60fow, not much going on , trolled out to 100fow fish on diver, oops fish off diver. set back up. bang rigger goes, 5-6lb steelie. set rigger up , diver goes again, partner grabs rod and the fights on, out of the water 4-5 times, good steelie WoW he's in the net.Things slowed for a while, then the port rigger fires, the fish is all over the top, jumping and rolling, he's off, think it was a Coho. 11:00am its getting hot, time to call it a day. It started out kind of choppy this morning, thought it was going to get ruff but it flattened out nicely. Another great day on the lake. By the way we weighted the steelie in, it only went 9 lbs. :( . Seaya.

  4. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:5:30- 10;30 am


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 5

    Total Boated: 2

    Species Breakdown:Steelies

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed: 2.5-2.8

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 100to 125

    Lure Depth: 60-80



    ==================== Set up in 80fow Port rigger down70 nbk mag. carmel dolphin slider. Starb. rigger green dot spin doc. hammer fly down 60 and slider. Wire diver out 245, mag spoon. Sorry I can't remember the names of some of the lures. Had two ripes on the diver and lost them, Two nock offs on starb. rigger nobody home. diver goes again fish on, oh no fish on port rigger, doubled up, did I say I was solo, rigger fish was going nuts on top, put diver rod back in holder and got the other fish in, nice steelie, 6-8lbs,back he went, landed the other one, smaller steelie bleeding bad in the box. An other hit on the diver on and off. Got kind of slow after 9:00, pulled lines at 10:00 and headed in, beat the madness at the launch. :) Nice morning, flat lake, not to hot and the fish were biting. It don't get any better than that. :clap::clap: .

  5. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water: 6am 11am


    Wind Speed/Direction: 3to 10 maybe. NE

    Waves: Flat to start 3-4fters 10am

    Surface Temp: 61deg.

    Location: north

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 4

    Total Boated: 4

    Species Breakdown: kings steelies

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed: 23-29 sog

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 85--220fow

    Lure Depth: 40--80fow.



    ==================== Well we pull onto the ramp about 6:00 Am and headed out of the Bay due north, started setting up in 85 fow, got the port rigger set with nbk mag off the ball and stacked a O deppsie 20ft above, think it was a mix. veg. out about 30ft. Started taking slake out of the lines and bang ,nbk off and running, nice steelie around 10lbs. Set back up got the riggers down and two wire divers out 180 and 240. worked around in 100fow and the 80 rigger goes again, this time it a king in the 10lb range. It got slow so I started working out, Got to 220fow no marks no hits so we headed back in, it was starting to get bumpy, got to about 150fow and the port diver goes, nice bow on the green dot spin doc and hammer fly. got him in the boat and the other rigger goes monkey puke mag down 60ft. about 5=6 lb king. Well its getting kind of stumbly out here, 3-4fters, 16 ft. boat and the old sea legs ain't what they use to be so we called it a day. :) Hope the wind is right for you week enders. Good luck out there. ;)

    Ray K check your PMs.

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