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Posts posted by InTheBox

  1. Sounds like you dont like spiders. Neither do I. Every time i get on the boat i go around with a brush and clean up all the spider webs. Seems like i dont get alot of spiders that much anymore doing that.


  2. I dont know if you have a hard top or not but i mounted my planner board masts on top of it on 2' metal poles with the pully on top of them. It keeps the planner line high up in the air and the releases fall down good. If you can mount the mast as far in front of the boat as you can and high as you can.


  3. Welcome aboard. You came to the right place for knowledge. Some of Lake Ontario Best fishermen post on this board. I got hook on Lake Ontario fishing when i was a kid when i went out on my uncles boat and caught my first KING. Man they are fun.


  4. Storm Warning II,

    It doesn’t matter to me. I am going to get both and I really appreciate everybody helping me out. You guys are saving me tons of money because I probably would’ve just bought a bunch of different colors.

    Thanks again guys,


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