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Posts posted by Fishtails

  1. Don't assume a pack of boats means that is where the fish are most abundant, but don't ignore them either.  I will follow a similar approach to Tim, but it really depends on what time I get started. The later in the morning I start, the deeper I will set up.  Lots of guys look for a boat or two and run there...thus a pack is created very quickly.  It doesn't mean they are catching fish.  I will watch a pack from a distance to see if they keep working an area, or if they start to disperse.  That's a good indicator on whether they are fishing or catching.


    Also, how high or deep the temp is will help me decide if I will start inside and troll out, or start outside and troll in.   It's not at all uncommon for me to run out to 300 - 600 and set up if temp is above 60 feet inside. As a general rule when I am in search mode, If temp is higher, I run out deep and troll in. If temp is deeper, I set up inside and troll out. If I can help it, I don't want to set up when I am still 5+ miles from the majority of life.  I'll roll the dice and burn the gas to set up deep when temp is higher because I will catch more fish out deeper in those conditions more times than not. Just keep in mind when fishing higher temp after an E or NE blow you won't mark many fish on your sonar. That doesn't mean they aren't there :)


    That's how I begin a trip. From there I troll and search and figure it out as I go...

  2. Let me update you guys now that it's Saturday and Dave has had almost a week to respond to my emails.....no response from "The LOC Headquarters".


    I could call, but I know he got one of my emails so I will take his lack of a response as a no. That is fine, but all asked was is there any reason at all I should take my son Justin to the awards if he remains leading youth salmon. I expect someone to place a larger one, but what is so hard about saying yes or no ?  And why have a youth awards division if there is no youth award  :rofl:  Try telling your children that they are leading a youth award division, but not to get to excited because it appears as though there is no award in the award division.....see what kind of response you get, lol    I just wanted a simple answer because I don't want my boy to miss out on a chance to go up on stage and participate if he gets a trophy or something, but I live 5 hours away so I need to know.


    I'm not bashing Dave, it's his derby and he has the right to run it as he see's fit just as we have the option to enter or not. But ignoring your long time loyal paying customers on such a simplistic issue is bad business.....just saying.

  3. Sorry for the late report. The Sodus Pro Am was saved this season from near death and I would like to thank Matt Leclair, Dane Brown, Jeff Zimmer, Chris Kenyon, Matt aka Goudy, along with all the other volunteers, sponsors & friends who helped organize and run what turned out to be a really great tournament!  Sodus is an amazing venue, and even the rough weather couldn't dampen the spirits and good times. Even though there were less than two months to put this tournament together, we ended up with 43 teams total :yes:  Not bad at all, but it's far to great of an event to have less than 70 teams. Put this one on your calendar for next season, as the Sodus committee is already working on next years Pro Am.


    I fished this tournament with only myself and my 14 year old son Justin in the Am division.  We knew this would be a tall order if for no other reason than we could only box 6 silver fish, leaving no room for upgrades. We started Pre fishing Thursday and quickly got 4 king bites in 160 fow off Afro point, landing 2 of them. Both fish came on the same white/green dot spiny with an Atommik ultra green glow fly parked at 81ft on the rigger.   I then quickly realized I left the bags of ice in our very hot van laying on the floor next to the 28 trophies for the tournament, so we headed right in to make sure all was okay.  Upon our return, the king bite died so we went in and picked up a few BT in 65 fow.


    Friday was an ok day for us, but we mainly fished BT. Our Fish hawk x-4 went on the blink and I would be fishing the rest of the tourney with no down temp beyond 50 ft of water. It worked fine to 50 ft, so that is where I parked it for speed and to see what temp was @ 50. As long as the fish stayed put, I'd be ok, but with a hard NW and NE wind on the way, I knew that wasn't going to happen.


    Sat:  It's tourney day and we have high hopes for a quick six king box :).  As we head out and set up, I notice the water temp at 50 has warmed up a lot, meaning my BT would have moved out, but I couldn't tell where without my temp?  We searched around, but couldn't move a rod. The waves had built and were good 4-6 from the NW. I decided to run west and search for BT using other boats positioning to locate my BT temp.  Once we arrive, I see boats are set up 90-100, so we work that water and pick up a quick BT on a glow orange moonshine on the 90 rigger.  I just couldn't stay in "the zone" with the NW wind without a driver and the Auto Pilot struggled, so we end the day with only one fish and in almost last place.


    Sun:  As we drive to the boat, I tried to encourage my 14 year old partner that it was a new day and we could get back into it if we fish hard. 1st seamed impossible with a 6 fish limit, but we were 50 points out of 5th and that was our target.  We had planned on BT fishing due to the hard overnight NE

    blow, but I smartened up on the drive to the lake and we decided to king fish for the first 2 hours.  Once we got out of the chute, we were smashed in the face with 6-8 foot waves out of the NE.  We slowly pounded out to 200fow and it wasn't long before the 700 copper was screaming.  Justin jumped on the rod and I worked on slowing us down and moving stuff around to help land the fish in what had now built to solid 8's with some 10's thrown in for added fun.  Justin did a great job keeping the line tight, which was pretty impossible when the fish and boat surfed the waves. We landed the fish, and high fived like 3 times. It was a great start at what ended up being a 27.1 king which won youth big fish and is leading the LOC youth big salmon. Justins king came on a stock green Pro Troll followed by a Big Weenie Lily Pad fly.





    We fished kings awhile longer, with no more luck, so I suggest we fight the waves out to 350 fow and search for steelhead. It was a rough run in a 24ft boat and we were the only boat out there, but it quickly paid off as we land 3 fish on our first troll in, boxing 2 of them. Our next two passes produce 4 more steelhead, but only 2 would be legal size and we end the day at 5. The fish were scattered all over the place, so I ran 4 riggers and two coppers most of the time (couldn't get a diver bite).  We got steelhead on the 99 rigger as well as a free slider on the 45 rigger. There was no easy way to target them so we went to an all spoon program and spread it out the best we could with 6 rods, while leaving a flasher fly on a deep copper just in case. It's now that Justin tells me we are not where I thought we were. Instead of being 3 miles west like we started, we were 13 miles west with only a half hour to get in and solid 4-5 foot NE seas.  I thought I was going to bust the boat in half as we did 27-28 mph all the way in, going airborne several times. The boat held together and we make it with two minutes to spare :lol:


    At weigh in, I didn't care how we placed. I was proud of my boy, and how he kept a positive attitude after a rough Sat and went 8 for 8 Sun.  He was happy with our fish, and that was good enough for me.  When the smoke cleared, we had climbed up from the cellar to 5th place and cashing a check, meeting out goal after all.  We also managed to get the Come Back Award and big youth fish, so we were very happy with that.






    In the end, had I done what I should have done Sat and gone deep like I did Sunday, we probably win, but I'm really happy the way it all turned out because Justin experienced both the lows and highs all in the same tournament, and that made the high seem higher. 5th almost felt like first after a dq the week before and then such a tough start on Saturday. 




    I couldn't ask for a better fishing partner and we'll get the fish hawk working and give it one last go at the Atommik Invitational. See you all there !!


    Congrats to Justin, Rod! Both the big King and Brown Trout!



    Justin thanks you bud!  He was the boss man Sunday for sure. Since it was only him and I on the boat fishing in 8 footers, I never touched a fish and he went 8 for 8 and really stayed focused.  He really made me proud and we are both looking forward to the Atommik Invitational.


    The only way to get this changed is to make our voice heard.  Email him, start a poll get others to do the same.  Atleast lower the age some.  A 6 year old should be able to handle Lake Ontario fish as long as they have done it before.  I can see not having full divisions because of the cheating that used to go on.  Do something simple like pass out trophies and fishing tackle.  Avon Anglers ice derbies lets kids enter and gives every kid that participates a piece of icefishing equipment.  All kids get a raffle ticket at each derby and they draw a ticket at the last derby for an ice tent.  Kids are the future of this fishery.  We NEED them involved. 


    I have emailed Dave 3 times already,  can't seem to get a response from him.  I agree with keeping it simple and I don't think any cash should be involved in youth. But, there should at least be trophies or certificate or product.  Tons of sponsors would donate, so it's obviously a personal choice by the LOC, not a monetary decision. In The Sodus Pro Am, my son won a pair of Maui Jim Sunglasses for big youth fish and he was sooooo happy!!  He won't take them off  :)  I have made about 10 people that fished on my boat this season buy a LOC ticket in order to fish with us.  Those folks would have otherwise never paid for an LOC entry, but I required it.That's a couple hundred bucks extra I got Dave. We all do that, but do ya think I can get an email response from him....nope.



  6. My wife was able to record the entire awards ceremony from her phone on out Livestream account.  For the moment, you will need to log in via facebook or Livestream to view. The video will only be up for viewing for 30 days from the event, but we will try to get it onto youtube and on the Sodus website before it expires.  Next year we will do a much better video production, but I think this was great for our first time :)


    Enjoy !!




  7. Complete standings and scores are now posted on our website !!





    Ray,  We missed ya bud!  It's never the same without your humor so I hope you get yourself out with us next year! Mother nature was a little nasty, but there was no small craft issued so we got the whole tournament in and besides the wave surfing, it was great fun !!  We got back to an old school tourney with a standard Pro format, but lots of changes to the Am division.  I think both divisions were a huge success and everyone involved did an outstanding job! 



    This year's ProAm was a much needed step in the right direction.  With a bit more time for advertisement to make people aware of it next year, I think we'll see it get back to the major event it used to be!


    Rod, are we able to invest some of the prize money into a weather machine for next year?


    I agree Nick. I think with the time we had to pull this off (less than two months), the committee did one outstanding job!!!  We missed a couple sponsors that were willing to donate, and that was too bad but you can only do so much with limited personnel.  Even so it was over 100% payout and all in all in ran very smoothly.  There is already a meeting scheduled in Aug. to prepare for next year, and we hope to DOUBLE the amount of teams.


    On a side note, I think the Ams did a great job policing themselves!  I heard of no complaints and that was a concern going in with no observer. We need to continue to preach fair play, honesty and integrity and hopefully our Am division will flourish and be a model for other Am divisions.


    As for the weather machine, I think you best stay away from the Voo Doo stuff bud, cause you pissed off the weather gods something fierce! It just wouldn't be Sodus without pulling in a few fish while surfing 8 footers.



    It sounds like a ton of fun. I fish my local walleye tourneys here and ice fish tourneys.. I like the challenge and typically benefits a charity or a sportsmans group. What constitutes a team? Bascially whoever you want to bring with you I would take it.


    For the Am, you only needed two people this year to make up a team with the six rod rule. We had a six silver fish limit and six rod limit, so a two man team could compete. The major downside to a two man team is you are done fishing once you box your 6th silver fish. You don't have the extra fish limit of a third or fourth man.


    This year, that didn't matter because very very few teams boxed out anyway.  I fished the Am as a 2 man team with only myself and a 14 year old (and an auto pilot).  The AP helped a ton, but in the weather we had last weekend it really limited my options as to what I could do. Still....My son and I proved it can be done !

  8. I have always had a problem with this rule also. It has been in place long enough that I hold out little hope for change, but it's a shame. Sometimes, we just have too many rules. If someone takes a child fishing just to run a few extra rods, why is that a bad thing? As long as the child is a paid derby contestant, I personally don't see how that can possibly be bad? Take a buddy or wife for two rods is ok, take a child and it's not ??? I would rather see a child being taken on a fishing trip with his dad for the benefit of extra rods, than see that child stay home playing video games.

    It is obvious those in charge have no children, plain and simple. Right now, my son leads the youth division Salmon. It's his 3rd fish on the board this summer. I explained he won't get anything for leading youth if it sticks and he thinks it's rediculous, but he's ok with it because he has won so many other awards in other fishing events. That being said, he has no interest in fishing the LOC with me for this reason. He just happened to catch ihis loc fish while we fished the Pro Am.

    All I can say is make yourself heard, and fish tournaments that support youth fishing instead!

  9. All around great event! Everyone involved did an outstanding job I thought. So much happens behind the scene that you don't see, like Matt and myself finding out late in the day Thursday the scales Bob Cenelli assured us the week before we would have for the Sodus event were all of a sudden not going to be there. After many frantic phone calls, and text messages between myself, Matt and Tom Allen, Tom came through and Matt made a late night run an hour away to pick up Toms scale, not getting back till midnight! and saving the day!! Without Tom Allen's scale, I'm not sure what we would have done? Then there was the tent, which Dane had to jump through hurdles to get in the first place, only to have it blown down and destroyed in a major storm Friday night. The guys pulled it together and set up some small tents to make due and you would never had known the problems ever happened. That is the sign of team work and a great job from all those involved! So many people to thank, and I'll get all their names up when I get home in a few days.

  10. Funny voodoo stuff Nick ! The tournament was great times and I wish I could have spoken with you and everyone else more than I did, but I had to fish those conditions with just myself and my 14 year old son Justin and while all ended well and we squeezed out 5th place, comeback award and big youth king and brown.....I got a serious ass kicking out there! I was pretty well mentally and physically shot by days end, both days!

    Justi made me proud though, landing all our fish Sunday going 8 for 8 including a 27 lb king on the 700 copper in solid 8 footers. The fish gods were with him, because that king was barely hooked and he couldn't keep tension on it while it (and we) surfed the waves.

    Funny story, I was so busy just trying to keep our 24 ftr boat strait, keep a good speed and Keep our 6 rods from getting tangled, Ilost track of where we were. We pull lines around 1:30 to head in, and I think I am a few miles west, only to find I am 13 miles west!!! My poor 35 year old boat had to do 27-28 mph all the way in 4-5 foot seas. I was airborne a few times and honestly wasn't sure she'd hold together, but as usual she got the job done and we made it in safe and sound with 2 min. To spare and a very unorganized mess everywhere. As we are running and I see the lighthouse, I told Justin the story of you and I running in on day 2 in 2009 and blowing an out drive while in first place and thinking we'd never get there in time, only to make it with seconds to spare...good times!!!

    Good job to you and your team, and every team team that fished and survived! In the end, it was great fun and it was evident at the awards how much fun everyone had. Justin and Ican't wait to do it again!

  11. Maybe you guys can clarify something for me. I think I have the answer right, but I have been wrong before so I'm a little skittish :)


    The wind forecast this weekend looks bleak. My Sodus Pro Am team is me, my son and my wife (if it's calm). Calm is out of the picture I guess so that leaves Me and Justin.  That gets me to my question. Two of us will only be able to possess 6 combined species of brown, steel & salmon. That's ok because it's a 6 fish box tourney for the Am.


    It's the bonus lake trout I am questioning. It looks like I can keep 2 per person per regulations In addition to my 6 combined species.

    So I would be legal bringing my 6 silvers PLUS 1 bonus lake trout on a two man limit?  Am I reading the regulations correct?






  12. As I have had some seperation and time to reflect, it was just a series of unfortinite events. I fish too many tournaments with different rules. Pro Am, King Of The Lake, Tightlines, Invitationals, Shootouts, Pro division, Am division....I was an accident waiting to happen!

    I have to much on my plate right now, so I never sat down at the computer and read the rules. At the captains meeting, they pulled the observers away so they missed the reading of the rules. For this reason, my observer asked if he could have mine so he could read them that night (why only one set, shouldn't we get two ?) Now I have no rules, but I think I know them so that's okay. We head out in the morning.....I realize as we set up I am not %100 on the Am rod rule, cause I fished pro and one open for the past couple years. I ask the Horsin Around observer and he says he's not sure, but he thinks 8. We couldn't call anyone because its closed communication. Even if I call...nobody has a phone turned on and the tournament # was for emergency only! This did not seem to qualify. I was thinking 8, Horsin Arounds observer was thinking 8, my observer had my rules, Horsin Around observer had no rules.....we ran with 8 and I was wrong.

    My bad, I accepted a zero because I was wrong and I won't get complacent again and just assume I know the rules because I've fished a lot of tournaments.

    I completely disagree that the observer had any part in this. The observer should try their best to make sure the rules are followed but in reality you still need to have some integrity and also need to know the rules.


    I agree %100 and that has been my stance from the first moment I was made aware of the mistake. It's the captains responsability, nobody else's. 


    in reality you still need to have some integrity

    She has no experience or practical knowledge of fishing but she should be able count on some integrity from the Captain of the boat.

    Please do expand on this....How did anything that happened speak poorly upon my integrity?? Do you know the meaning of integrity? Those are fighting words Wayne, questioning my integrity. I'll see you in Sodus, where I look forward to your explanation.


    This situation is exactly why captains AND observers are required to attend the rules meeting


    That is the intention Pete, but the observers were called away and missed the reading of the rules. I was told by the observer that they were not properly briefed on the rules, and called their little side meeting pretty useless and uninformative. Alot of the rules were skipped over also, but I have attention issues at times and I could have missed it altogether. I read the size limit, because I knew that had changed.  My bad for not reading the rest and I own up to that.

  13. I agreed to dq us. My fault and I wanted to man up. Dumb human error. Had i been able to make a phone call, I would have checked with someone. But it was closed communication....lol. it all falls on me, but my son doesn't see it like I do cause he's 14.

  14. Today I had a goof and got my first dq in 6 years of tourney. Fishing. I feel pretty dumb, but the past 3 years I have fished pro and once in the open. I got complacent thinking I know the rules because I fished so many of these and I am also used to the pro rules. I got thinking for some reason since they upped the am limit to 9 fish that we could run 8 rods. Nope....only 6 rods. I had givin my rules to our observer because he wanted them. I did ask the observer on our boat, and he thought it was 8 so we ran 8 all day....l

    It was an honest duh moment and I should have known better. Its our jobs to know the rules and I got complacent and I gladly volenteered to take a zero for the day.

    I thought I would post this to remind you that rules change and as much as we think we k no, its dtill a good idea to read them.

    Lesson learned, my bad and I was very open about our 8 rod program when asked...lol I feel bad for ny teammate and son , but well just have to stage a heck of a comeback tomorrow.

    Moral of the story, don't assume you know the rules. Refresh your memory and read them every time.


    We sent out check out as well, but are not listed:


    Ruff Rider - Am


    Your entry came in today Nick, along with mine.  Some Pro's came in also, but I don't have the names.  It looks like between what is in, and the cash entries said to be coming in this week, we may get up close to 30 pro teams and 15 + Am teams.  We are really hoping for a few more Am's, because we'd like to see 20 teams enter. Hopefully that will still happen.

  16. Important:  If you are fishing the Pro Am, please check to see if you are on the list. I know my Am team (Lucky Enuff) sent our check last Monday and we are not on the list yet.  I Know Oh Baby sent their check and is not on the list. I suspect (and hope) there are at least several more.  I am guessing the mail is just slow.







































  17. I was under the impression the Am numbers were looking good. Certainly a lot better than Oswego turnout.  We were hoping to have a larger Am turnout than Pro, and we have done a lot to make that happen!   So like Dane said, there is still time and if you want to show the rest of the Pro Am series that no observer is the way to go, sign up now and show your support!!


    My guess is entries are still coming in. I know I didn't send mine till early last week and the holiday may have slowed things down.


    Al,  Matt and I are working on getting the numbers. I guess Tim is not around today but we should get them sometime tomorrow.  Matt and I were hoping for 20. Hopefully we get close to that but honestly I have no idea of the current number.  I think some of us had higher expectations, but the late start made that a tall order!  If we get 20, I will consider that a victory considering the last I heard Oswego had 9 Ams.


    There is still time to get in. I just lost one of my boys, cause he got grounded by his parents until he's 18 I think (he's 14 now). That means I'm fishing with just two of us, but it's a 6 silver fish/ 6 rod limit so you can do it with two guys. I'm in with my son :)  Grab a kid and fish, we are giving away 5 trophies for youth big fish!!

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