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Charley Tuna

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Posts posted by Charley Tuna

  1. CH,

    Cut bait for salmon here refers to herring strips. These are fillets are from herring or alewives (alewives being the fresh water version of herring) ussually 4 or 5 inches long with the skin still attached that are usually placed into plastic "bait heads" and fished behind a flasher. Usually a large flasher (11-inches or bigger) is used and the bait head / herring strip is fished anywhere from 3 to as much as 5 or 6 feet behind the flasher. The bait head is constructed so that one side of it is curved and allows the herring strip to spin behind the flasher. The leader going from the flasher to the bait head is usually at least 30 # test. I like 30 or 40 # flourocarbon. Sometimes 2 or 3 mylar flies are placed on the leader to add attractiveness. These are called "twinkie rigs" The herring fillet is positioned onto the bait head and locked in position with toothpicks. Any bait dealer that sells cut bait will be able to show you how it all works. Its a very effective salmon getter in the late season. Hope this helps.

  2. Fishing Report

    Charley Tuna




    Date(s): August 19

    Time on Water: 10 hours

    Weather/Temp: Clear, 80's

    Wind Speed/Direction: 5- 10 mph out of West

    Waves: Initially 3 feet subsided to 1

    Surface Temp: 76.5 F


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 12

    Total Boated: 9

    Species Breakdown: 5 Browns, 2 Kings, 2 Steelhead

    Hot Lure: Homemade Alewife Spoons, HK Die Hards, NK Froggies

    Trolling Speed: 2 - 2.6

    Down Speed: Unknown

    Boat Depth: 70 -120

    Lure Depth: 50 - 80




    Hit the water at 7:30 looking for big kings. Rough chop out the NW to begin with. Went due north of the chute to 400 feet. Marked significant bait at 70 -100 fow on the way out and did not mark many fish in deeper water. After a few hours of trolling with out marking more than 2 or 3 fish came in shallow and saw fish and bait 50 to 70 down over 70 to 120. Fished spoons off the riggers and fished flashers and flies off the dipseys but only the riggers got hit. Best browns and steelhead were about 6 or 7 pounds. Kings were yearlings. We were hoping to tangle with some Kingasaurus Rex but will have to wait till next time.

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