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Pike Hunter

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Posts posted by Pike Hunter

  1. I edited the date od the report to 7/26, not 7/27

    Took a day off from work today. Very good choice! Hand fun battling the kings in our back yard,

    Started out at 5:45 with Barry and we were greeted with 2-4 footers from the east. Warm water all the way down 110 over 160. Fished from 9 mile point to Russel in between 140-350 fow.

    2 riggers. 2 dipsey divers. 400 copper.

    HOT SPOON BITES ALL DAY LONG: Downrigger 75' Bob Fuller spoon. 180-200 active with baits and hooks.

    Copper very quiet today.

    Dipsey 300' took steelies with spin doc atomic fly

    7 for 8 with 3 steelie and 4 kings. 25# class. No major.

    Best of luck on the derby,post-140030-13748878010283_thumb.jpg



  2. That was awesome video. Now, I have something to convince my wife about where I have been during the whole morning!


    I think everybody should review themselves on the video after fishing because this gives you the best feedback on your performance. Just like how the ESPN expert analysts would review the NFL play by play and describe the obvious errors and successes on the football field.


    The video has shown me 2 things or so:


    My arms - My arms felt like rubber after reeling in the cooper set up on several occasions. I know it I just need to hit the gym to pump up more muscles and be in better shape. My arms would have broke off if we were to fight the major kings on that day.


    My eyes - I find it hilarious when I failed to see the throbbing rods for so many times on your boat.


    My brain - add more caffeine into my system. I can hope for the best when I have more alert brain to help us catch more fish.


    Tight lines to all!

  3. Indeed, being one of the two actors, I'm afraid to say anything in advance for the grand premiere with the video of today's action from your GO PRO.

    Please be sure to add two EPIC FAILURES with the darn reels KNOBS which came off from the , DAIWA ACCU-DEPTHS While I was reeling in the slack line after the rod popped out. I was so thankful that it was just a skippy on line when this happened otherwise we would have to donate the reel to the Lake O.

    In a nutshell, CHRIS AKA CAPT'N has made it a fun filled day of fishing by heading out west and grinding the area in tight. I have to admit the west side of fishing area in Rochester is more crowded than the east side, mind you.

    Tight lines and safe fishing!

  4. First of all, I m blessed to be fishing in Rochester. One does not have to leave too far away from the docks to find fish. Fish are there for your takings in 80-100 fow. Front of ibay to Webster park.

    I had a good company - Our Lou mark the shark. Earlier he told me he had caught. Giant tunas. in the range of 705 and 600's # u should check the show: WICKED TUNA. He caught them in 30 miles off shore which is quite short given customary 120-150 miles run. This trip should be on every fishermen s bucket list.

    Back to our fishing water the great lake O, within 90 FOW hers a snapshot of Great screen action with baits and hooks.


    Started out in 80 FOW did not leave the area and we were rewarded with good bites from front of ibay to Webster park.

    6 for 10 today. kings, brown, steelheads.

    High teens king


    Ran riggers 55, 90

    Dipsey 240, 280 put on 3.0 settings

    10 color core.

    All lures took fish.

    Last hit was a great steelhead. And I couldn't net it in time with just the 2 of us.


    Best of luck to all.

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