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Traveling Circus

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Posts posted by Traveling Circus

  1. Fished with my daughter out of the Catt last Sunday and kept 87 perch..... The day started cold (37F) and with a 10 - 15 mph S wind the lake was covered in rolling fog. It took some searching, but we found a good school off Evangola Park in 66 FOW. Then, it was non-stop action until the bait bucket was MT.

  2. HI Frank ...... What makes a diver wire or mono is the line you run it on..... a "mono" diver is run on monofiliment line. monofiliment line will only get your diver so deep(like 50 feet down), and mono stretches like crazy so the diver can be difficult to release from the boat. A "wire" diver is just a regular diver run on wire line... you can get wire diver rigs as deep as 100 feet if you let out enough wire line. I stopped running mono divers 15 years ago. To run a wire diver you have to dedicate a reel to wire line, and the rod should have a twilli tip (google it)..... it's a spring wire tip that has to be glued onto a rod after removing the "regular" tip. Dedicated Wire divers and rods can completely save a fishing outing. They are well worth the investment.


    I've been fishing out of Sandy creek 3 times this week...... Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I've landed 4 kings 15 Browns and one laker in those outings, and every fish has come on a wire diver! My rigger has not produced one hit in those 3 outings!

  3. Back in the mid-80's I lived in SW lower Michigan, and used leeches (and wigglers) for monster perch off the piers at Benton Harbor / St. Joe......I don't see why they wouldn't work on other bodies of water for the bigger perch. They are a legal bait here in NYS waters, and are sold in local shops.......

  4. I Fished SP yesterday 64 - 70 FOW...... wound up with 5 and one short. Had a hard time establishing any pattern..... but the best rig for the day was a 7 color lead core with a watermelon harness, good for 3 fish..... also took a fish on a long A bomber off the rigger (down 57), and one off a wire diver with a harness out 145.... tough bite for me. Wet day....

  5. Fished Thursday out of SP south of the fence. Landed 11... cores(3,4,5 color) and riggers with harnesses worked. Very nice quality fish..... 4 over 8 lbs, and one pushing 10.

    Yesterday, fished on a friends boat out of SP, and we put 9 in the cooler..... tougher bite yesterday... again, all harnesses but this time all off the cores..... couldn't get a rigger bite regardless of bait... Stayed south of the pack (on the fence), mostly in 50 - 55 FOW...

    How long will the walleye bite out of SBH/SP last? Does it extend into August? Where do they go when the water warms?

  6. Maybe a new thread for SBH improvements?


    Fished solo out of Sturgeon Point yesterday (which was pretty quiet at 05:30). Managed 2 walleyes bottom bouncing crawlers around Myers , and then took 4 trolling out in the deep water (50+). The last of which was 9+. Lots of sheepies, silver bass, and SM Bass in the mix.....even a couple of trophy perch.


    My only complaint on the launch area is it's so damn far! Gotta start driving at 3:30, and even then it's daylight when you get there!


    Questions for you regulars around Buffalo......


    1. While trolling out in the deep stuff, every now and the graph would show "baitfish marks" on the bottom....... are they bait or perch?

    2. What do you think about Sam Reinhart as the #2 pick?



  7. My daughter and I fished out of the Catt yesterday morning in 55 FOW and wound up with 75 perch in the cooler. The weather was perfect, and the fish cooperated at a decent pace. Emeralds on the bottom were the ticket.... many perch were spitting up small gobies, and the perch pack was spread from about 50 to 60 straight out of the harbor. seemed like not many boats strayed from the group.... One female still had eggs. Fun day.

  8. I think the bird populations are down in Monroe county townships......don't really understand the reason, but I know we didn't bump that many when hound hunting coyotes this winter... It's the second year I've noticed the decline... Wet Spring in '12 & '13? Too many predators? Too many hunters? Who knows? I'd be interested to know what guys think about a 1 bird limit? or maybe 1 bird 5/1 - 5/15 and 1 bird 5/16 - 5/31...??? Plenty of squirrels where I hunt, but definitely not as many turkeys as 5 - 10 years ago...... I'd support a 1 bird limit.

  9. I agree with Duckman that fit is critical for a clays gun or any shotgun. Beretta has been supplying their autos with adjustable shims/washers (to adjust cast and drop of the buttstock) since their 390 models.  There are other less aesthetic ways to adjust a stock (Velcro spacers) and some experts can actually bend wood stocks using heat, oil, and pressure.... but I've had great luck with the Beretta autos(390's and 391's) for clays and hunting...... and would highly recommend them. Keep them clean, and they're very reliable. Benelli's also come with shims, and they're an inertia based recoil system, so they are less prone to powder fouling...... but my experience is all with Beretta's, and it's all good.....

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