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Posts posted by Nalod

  1. Three guys from LOU were in attendance...Larry, Chad, and myself.

    Personally, I enjoyed the seminar. Greg did a great presentation on short trolling, Marc discussed all of the ways to rig tubes and what each rig is intended to do, and Johnny was interesting in his discussion of breaking apart a map and planning a fishing trip. They were not able to use the pool this year, but had a video of every lure to show how they worked in the water. I enjoy the pool-side demo, but this was good also...


  2. Change of plan...I ended up coming across a 1/4 lb spool of Ande's pink line, so I picked it up and am going to give it a try. Thanks again to everyone for all of your input. I am getting pretty excited that the walleye season is only a month away!


  3. I really need to keep a closer eye to the member birthday calendar...I keep missing everyones!

    Dan: It looks like you had a great birthday. My birthday is in the summer, so I get to fish on it most of the years...but I am thinking it is pretty rare for you to get out on yours. What an awesome looking fish!


  4. Thanks to everyone for their input. It looks like I was waaaay off with my original line choice. I have a large spool of 12lb big game mono laying around here, so i may just try that this year and see how the first couple trips go...thanks again!


  5. I am setting up a couple rods for walleye trolling next year. I plan to spend some time running boards on Erie and on Chautauqua. What line should I be looking at? I was going to run 14-20lb flouro, but am wondering if Erie has the same problem that Ontario has with Sea Fleas.

    What type of line and weight are you all running?



  6. I have tried to use planar boards in the past, but have had limited success with them. I have tried using church's walleye boards and have tried it using large boards/mast system.

    Smaller lures and lures that just do not disperse a lot of water have been what I have tried to work with (small newmanns, XJ-13 Xraps, sledges, etc). We normally do not get slow on our trolling, so I want to say that at our slowest, we were still going 4 mph.

    The mast system can take a lot more abuse. We had an outcast legend running once. I was amazed that it was able to run, but the boards were digging hard into the water. Bakers and wileys were also able to run off of these boards. As far as I am concerned, you should be able to run almost any lure (almost -- as in plows are not going to happen).

    I would like to spend some time this year giving it a better try. I know there is a guy on Chautauqua that is fishing a set of homemade boards...he has to be having success since I see him out there all the time.


  7. Hey Everyone,

    I have been having a bad case of the winter blues lately. I think it is because of the warmer weather and not having the opportunity to get out to do some ice fishing. To try to alleviate the blues, I decided to take a couple trips to some musky shows.

    On February 11, I drove out to Butler, PA. The weather was not the greatest (and the plowing was even worse). I really enjoyed seeing all of the lure builders that I am normally throwing. If you have not been to this show and fish Chautauqua, you probably would know most of the booths here. Things that I purchased:

    - Newmann crankbait (disappointed that he did not have any jerkbaits this year. He has been extremely busy with his painting, that he has not had a chance to get to building new jerkbaits)

    - Wiley crankbait

    - Legend 6" crank (this thing is awesome. It is 6", but has the same profile/shape as their normals lures)

    - A bunch of Lunge Lumber Lures (I would rank these as my favorite lures at the show.)

    - A Musky Train 60" Ruler (My mother went with me for the trip. She ended up carrying the ruler around. So many people asked her where she bought it that she ended up going back to Musky Train's booth to ask for commission. :lol: )

    - I also bought a couple Lunge Lumber Lures for Mike (Ronix52). I know he is anxious to get his hands on them!

    This past weekend, I drove to Michigan for their show. I started the trip by going directly to Cabelas and spending a few hours looking around. I did not buy much there, but did manage to get a phantom bait.

    I spent all day Saturday at the show. It was smaller than last year and the attendance was not as good as they were hoping for. The booths were completely different from the Butler show. I honestly think the only booth at both shows were Musky Train (Hey, why was the ruler $1 cheaper here?). They had their share of what I could call Basement Baitmakers (basically the local builders), but they also had a large assortment of national manufacturers. Things I purchased from this show:

    - Two new Traxstech rod holders that I can use to mount my salty rod holders

    - A hellhound glidebait

    - a couple river2sea glides

    - a t-shirt from the Michigan Muskies Inc

    I also got to see Mike's (Ronix52) new custom rod. This thing is amazing! Jeremy from Tuscarora Tackle (he builds some insane looking snakeskin lures also) built it for him. I dropped Mike's new fishing rod a few times while looking at it, but the couple dents won't hurt :rofl:

    While driving home on Sunday, I got to stop in at Jann's Netcraft retail location. This store is awesome! It might have been my favorite part of the trip. They have some tackle at the store, but are known for tackle/rod/net building. I was able to pick up a few things that I have been wanting to dable in. Hopefully these things will keep me busy until our season opens!

    If you are looking to attend a show next year, I would recommend the Butler show over Michigan. It is almost the same size and is a lot closer to home.

    What shows has anyone else been attending? Buy anything you would like to share? Any experiences?


  8. Hey Zach,

    Glad to hear that you had so many phone-in orders and such a great order through Big Wood Baits! It is always great to see a local guy show a lot of success that was just started as a hobby and has turned into a business!

    I was hoping to see you this weekend at the Michigan Show just to be able to catch up and see how you are doing, but knowing the orders are coming in and that you may actually get to spend some time with the family is good enough for me! :yes:

    Talk to you soon.


  9. Ray J: I was at the show also. It would have been nice to have met you and actually be able to put a face to your name.

    Zach: I hope everything is okay. I was going to post a picture of your booth and make a joke about it, but I think I will pass now. ;) Maybe see you at the Michigan show?


  10. Hey Guys,

    As a winter project, I decided to try to learn how to do maintenance on reels. I have been doing my research, and tried some work on one of them this afternoon. While I know there are other things I could have done (replace paper washers, get rid of some plastic parts, remove all grease in bearings and re-grease, etc), I think my first attempt went well.

    Does anyone else do their own maintenance? I would love to be able to bounce ideas and questions off of others.

    Also, does anyone have any good tests to make sure that the maintenance went well (especially things that will tell me if I used too much or too little grease/oil). I tested the reel by casting in my back yard and pulling real hard on the drag to see if it would slip.


  11. Hey Everyone,

    I just did a search on Muskies Inc NY and found a good post on another forum written by Larry Jones in 2008. Someone had asked why there was no NY chapter. According to Larry's post:

    There once was the Niagara Chapter of Muskies Inc. in the early 70's.I was not a member of the chapter myself,so the only thing that I know about the Niagara Chapter of Muskies Inc. were second hand talk by members of the Niagara Top 20 Contest.I have heard nothing bad about the Chapter its self that once was here,they actualy had a tagging study at one time as well.What I did hear from members of the Niagara Top 20 Musky Club was that it was near impossible to get any funding from Muskies Inc. International for any projects out East. With the majority of the membership money going to M.I. International most decided not to join or rejoin.A lot of us joined Muskies Inc. Chapters in PA or Ohio.Those of us that belonged to those other M.I. Chapters slowly turned the mind set to Catch & Release here on the Niagara River.In 1993 the Niagara Musky Assoc. was founded by eight of us who wanted to stop the Niagara Top 20 Musky Club and their Catch & Kill Contest.I'm not tring to start anything here,I was also part of that Kill Contest for many years,that was what it was here through the 70's,80's and into 1993.Descussions were both on starting a new M.I. Chapter or a Local Musky Club.The Local Musky Club was the route we took so as to keep all funds from membership here within the club at hand to be used here on our own fishery.The Niagara Musky Assoc. was formed and the Niagara Top 20 Musky Club slowly faded away.The Niagara Musky Assoc. Inc. has been a big player here in conservation of the river and the muskies that swim here.The NMA was at the front lines when it came to getting funds to repair Strawberry Island from washing away.They have been instrumental with Sizelimit Changes,Musky Season Opening & Closing Dates,Tagging Study Data and Educating others of the importance of Catch & Release. Now with the Buffalo Harbor and Niagara River near Rock Bottom due to VHS,Life Lived Out on Year Classes and Bad Recruitment of Young of the Year Muskies the last few years,I see the membership of the Niagara Musky Assoc. once agian stepping up and doing what needs to be done to bring our musky fishery back to the Trophy Fishery of the Past.

    He also said:

    I want everyone to know that I do think Muskies Inc. is a Great Organization and it has been instrumental in placing everyone's mind set on Catch & Release,along with Great Stocking & Habitat Restoration Programs.We are not again'st M.I. here,most of us belong to an out of state chapter,just that we feel that local clubs here in NY have a more one on one working relationship with the NY DEC and other Local & State Gov. Organizations.

    So my take on this is that Muskies Inc International gets most of the membership money and was not great at giving money towards east projects. Would it be a better idea to look into creating a Rochester Musky Association or a New York Musky Association?

    Larry is out of the country right now, but I am sure he will have some ideas behind this when he gets back in town...I would love to hear his thoughts!


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